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Everything posted by -Tess-

  1. oh! This is soooo sweet! I can just imagine it Great start
  2. oooh! Still awesome!
  3. ^^ I agree! And Milko...How rude!
  4. Awww, thanks!
  5. ^^This is a alternate version...And the fic's finished now, because Rachel's dead...
  6. Thankyou...And yes, okay, i'll write a sequel!
  7. Oh, I just discvered this fic! I love it so mcuh!
  8. Ma'am Yes Ma'am!
  9. Thanks Shen!
  10. Jess, how can you be so cruel...? Well, I think she died anyway
  11. yay! You updated! Love this one, as usaual, Jess! You rock! I can't believe Maddie's gone...
  12. Jack and Maddie? Well, that's interesting! Great work...This looks great
  13. oh, I so love this!
  14. Thanyou....And no, she won't recover!
  15. Oh no! Milko's turned! *Bursts into Tears* But great anyway!
  16. ooh, I love this story! Great as usual...(you really are a great writer Jess!)
  17. This is great, I love it so much! And thanks for the double update Did I tell you how much I love it...?
  18. Awesome Jess! I love how it is so different and edgier than all the other stories here. Great work!
  19. Oh, I just got home from school, so sorry! I love this! Please keep going :cool:
  20. Awesome! Mama Rose looks so evil!
  21. Alf to Colleen?
  22. Alf to Duncan?
  23. oooh! I love that Rachel one! Well done
  24. Yay! I'm an oldie now!
  25. More in a sec
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