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Everything posted by -Tess-

  1. Did anyone actually read this chapter? If so, I'll write another soon.
  2. writing now!
  3. Of course! On Friday...My day off, I'll write more. Promise!
  4. Hey everyone! Greetings form Bundoora Secondary! What's everyone up to?
  5. That's so awesome! Sally has to stay with Pippa! SHe has to! Otherwise, great!
  6. Awwww! That chapter was so cute! Great writing :-D
  7. Just caught up! Awesome, as all the rest are, Jess!
  8. Everyone, Relax! I do have a lot more to go, so evrything might sort itself out!
  9. 9:30 here
  10. Ah! Peters a daddy! This is awesome!
  11. Ok, here's something different. What do you guys want to happen?That way I'll know what you like to read about, and I'll make it happen, but with a bit of a twist!
  12. Awwwwww! Thankyou! I wasn't a big fan of theirs, so that's why i thought that it would be fun to write a fic, so that I could make them a bitt different than they are on H&A! But, thanks so much!
  13. Yay! More soon :-P Looking foreward to it Jess!
  14. Well, I'll update tomorrow. Promise. You won't have to wait long!
  15. I know! But wait for what happens next!
  16. Hey guys! Heaven, that's no good! Have you tried to steal them back? I do that when my cousin 'borrows' my stuff!
  17. Hey peeps! What's up?
  18. Yay! ANother update! This is great, especilaay Sally's POV. Loving it!
  19. Hey guys!
  20. Yay! And the smilies have been gone for awhile :-( This is a great fic!
  21. Hey evryone!
  22. Same! More please! I'm dying to know that Milko gets out ok...:-P
  23. Another update! Yay! That was great! And Tony looking like her dad...So sweet! But please don't leave us hanging!
  24. There won't be any updates from me in this fic from me for awhile. My brother isn't coping well, and I need to be there for him. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  25. Another one will be up soon, tomorrow or the day after. Just got to get through writers block first!
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