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Everything posted by -Tess-

  1. Congrats Drew!
  2. Goodnight!
  3. Does anyone know the address for the Bay's Edge?
  4. Thanks! It will be up soon!
  5. YAY! ANother one! Man, you are awesome, ans so is your writing! This is fab!
  6. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Update! It's great. I love it :-) More please!
  7. Ok I'll kepp going. Just give me a day or two to get it going again :-P I'm glad people are reading it!
  8. Thanks!
  9. I don't think that anyone was actually really reading this, so I'm not going to continue with it. Sorry if anyone actually was.
  10. Waves Hands up and down I am! Can't wait!
  11. meh, I'm fine
  12. Hey Marieh! How are you doing?
  13. How is everyone today?
  14. YAY! Another Jess fiction :-)
  15. Very,very, very, very, very, very times 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 good! So sad that Summer's over :-(
  16. Just read it again (one last goodbye!) It was all brilliant, Jess. You did a fantastic job, keeping it all together like you did. Thanks so much!
  17. YAY! She's out! I don't blame Jack for being hesitant to take back Martha, but at the same time, I want him to! Great work!
  18. I watched a bit of Amiltyville Horror on DVD wiht my bestie, got s**t scared, and flicked to 'There's Something about Mary'
  19. WooooOo! Updates! very awesome indeed! I really feel sorry for Jack, after everything that's happened
  20. It's great! But Martha really does love him, right? (I hope!)
  21. wow! Very touching, what Jack said. I hope he gets her out!
  22. Don't worry! It was great, the whole thing was. I can't believe Summer's ending! :'-( OH My God! Happy Birthday by the way! Have a good one :yeah:
  23. Ahem.... Well that was great! And don't worry about the part you didn't like: It just seemed so natural. Awesome as always, Jess!
  24. Very, very great! ButJack has to get to Martha, and marry her! Please!
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