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Everything posted by -Tess-

  1. That;s swesome as usual, Jess! Can't believe it's almost over
  2. Very great! Looking foreward to more later! (Please let Milko stay!)
  3. I cnat find the fight words to describe it! So try this: supermotherfu**ingawesomefantasticfabulousgreatiloveotpleasewritemoresoon!
  4. Fantastic! And i still stand by my comment before: GET THIS PUBLISHED!
  5. Can you ever write a bad chapter? (not that I want you too ) Seriously, this needs to published! It's fantastic
  6. Great as usual, Jess!
  7. Fantastic as always, Jess!
  8. Awesome! Can't wait till the party starts! :cool:
  9. Last movie...Hmmmmm... Finding Nemo, because it just ended at my house!
  10. Fantastic Jess! More soon...Please?
  11. Fantastic! Looks very cool, and easy to navigate (for me anyway...)
  12. Fab! Please write more soon
  13. Fantastic again, Jess! This is a great, addictive fan fic!
  14. Well, Jess...(Sorry if you don't want to be called that) Fantastic as always! Please keep going...I love it!
  15. Wow, that's fantastic! Please keep going...
  16. Fantastic!!!!! I Love it! Are you going to keep going, like with the funeral, aftermath ect?
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