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The Phoenix

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  1. Wow, no post since june! I hope this doesn't mean the twisted tales are....over?
  2. Lol, just read all these again and think there soooo good they need to be read by everyone.
  3. Hmmm. The front page doesn't work for me unless I use that locations link. Also I haven't been able to access the spoiler section for about 2 weeks-but I think thats more of a my computer problem than a do to with all this.
  4. Great to see twisted tales back. Good work =)
  5. Another great chapter. I think its best that no one EVER looks into or discusses Danni's brain. Its probablys full of the letters M and E.
  6. No problem, congratulations on your new job. =)
  7. I know, I can't wait to hear the latest twisted storys from the bay
  8. Eww? Colleens feet? Thanks for another super chapter
  9. Danni monsters! leah clones! mysterious haggis!-it could only happen in twisted tales-and i'm glad it does.
  10. The seven Dani heads scream “MY nails, MY nails. Look what you’ve done to MEEEEEEE!!!!!!” and the seven Rhys heads are furious that Princess Dani is so upset. Oh no! You've created a monster! No, Monster is a to nicer word to describe this THING? I hope the summer bay towns folk have plenty of earplugs.
  11. How could it get worse? Thats easy... A seven mouthed leah
  12. a huge revolting seven-headed demon, each of whom’s heads looks just like Dani and keeps saying “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me…†(and that’s seven whiny voices all at once!!!!!!!!!). Sounds like a horror film!
  13. Well thats it, an air of mystery left as if its a season finale. Thanks for the enlighting tales and i look forward to reading reborn.
  14. the vile princess Dani Wow shes got a title now, just shows where a "little" whining can get you. And is it a coincidence that the psycho cat whop dani hates is called felix?
  15. Good to see that Gypsy has moved on from Danni since CLASSIC twisted tales. So the vein popping Rhys has returned, God save summer bay...
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