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  1. I don't know what to make of him with all his conflicting stories and quirky behaviour. I can't decide if I love him or hate him. He's amusing though, and probably the only interesting thing about Grants murder case.
  2. I have to agree with those who say that Jack and Martha will never have what Margo do, but I dont necessairily think that has to be a bad thing. Hugo and Martha's chemistry is different, but still nice. I think they're quite a refrsehing couple to have on the show at the moment. The only way where they might be superior to JM is in the acting. As much as I love Paul, Bernard can act the socks off him.
  3. Meh, I guess I should finally come out of the closet and admit that I like them I was really against them happening before they got together, but they're actually very cute and amusing. They bring out a really nice side to each other. That'll teach me not to judge a couple before I've even seen them together I really hope Hugo doesn't turn out to be as dodgy as he seems now, but since he's dating Martha, miss rarely had a law abiding boyfriend without a dark hidden secret in her life, it's not looking good.
  4. I really hate the thought of Hugo and Martha I hope it never happens. He's Jack's COUSIN, and after the big deal they made about her and Hugo and Xavier being family its just seems gross. They can stay friends though.
  5. It looks like Marman's friendship will probably be over when Hugo tells Martha. That sucks, even if they don't get together, I still like their friendship. I think they still have a good chance of getting back together though, it just wont be as obvious.
  6. Well she was wearing Jack's PJs tonight, that was sweet And yes, Hugo and Martha must NEVER happen. Its Roman or no one, and not for a while. Edit* Maybe Michael, he was one of the good ones... I'll stop picking Martha's next relationship before Jack's even burried now Martha and no one for now.
  7. I hope the little matter of Roman being in love with Martha doesnt ruin their friendship , but it probably will Im all for Charlie being her bff. It makes sense, they're the closest in age and the one episode where they were behaving like best friends was nice. And Jodi was amazing this week, just thought I should say that in here. I cant wait to see where Martha goes now. Its weird that shes not one half of JM anymore.
  8. Even though I'm a huge JM fan, I loved Marman and i'm not afraid to admit it I think they had/still have good chemistry and I would have loved to see where they'd gone if the Jack factor hadn't been there. If Jack doesnt survive the cliffhanger it would be nice to see them try again... way down the line though, Martha needs to grieve and be single for a decent amount of time first, and she's not going to forget Jacky overnight We all know what happens to Martha's relationships when she tries to move on before she's ready and I wouldnt want her or Roman to get hurt again.
  9. I loved her when she first came because she stuck it to Rachel, was a good friend to Martha and gave Alf something to do. However, now that she is just a shifty con woman she can just leave please What sort of person plots to take money a widow plans to use to honour her DEAD HUSBAND, or worms her way into the life of a woman suffering from cancer and lies about going through the same thing just so she can get close to the family and leech money out of her grandfather, all while conning money out of everyone else around her aswell. Oh and the promo, her 'cancer' is back? Is she seriously going to do that to Alf after everything he's going through with Martha? Get lost woman. I hope she is busted soon. I so wanted her to turn out nice
  10. JM have been fantastic lately. The writers have been going for quality over quantity and it shows. I was so impressed with Jack telling Martha the truth about getting the money from Roman, and then with the way Martha made him feel better about it. Honesty, it works Hopefully Martha's break will do them both some good (since Jack can have two weeks without stressing about her) My little JM are all grown up
  11. Well I liked the pole dancing storyline She was completely annoying in some parts of it, but it made her grow up and mature, which she needed. That combined with the cancer storyline has given Martha alot more depth. As for Jodi, she has come such a long way in her acting. I don't know if its because she's been having acting lessons for a while or because she has personal experience with cancer, but whatever it is, she's doing a great job at the moment.
  12. Awesome start Rach Jack as a hobo is great, but yeah, dont make them related... My mistake, you already sort of did that in a certain other fic didn't you
  13. The weather here is so weird today. Its like bright and sunny, and then every now and then we'll get this random 30 second shower out of nowhere, but there's not a grey cloud in the sky. wtf?
  14. I have to agree with Krystal. Definately give him a STD that will put him out of action for a while. That will teach him to keep it in his pants Dont make any of his 'conquests' pregnant.
  15. Jack is a jerk. I hope Rebecca makes a complete fool out of him and Martha finds some dreamy awesome guy who takes great care of her and gets Jack super jealous.
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