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Everything posted by Jazer

  1. It's awesome to see someone playing a character with Autism as it gives people a chance to understand how hard it is not only for the person with the disability, but it can be especially difficult for their families. I have had Autism since the age of three and let me tell you it has been a very hard and interesting journey. It look me years to learn how to talk and communicate with others around me. People used to stare at me in public as many tend to see those with Autism as people who move our hands around and get angry all the time. Luckily I have a mild form of Autism and can do most things on my own. I have learned how to control my flapping etc but sometimes I do it when I'm expressing myself i.e. being happy, getting upset. Like most autistic people, I can't stop talking about one topic, which is Australian Television/History. I find it hard at times to talk to people about their lives but it has been better for me now these days. I have done amazing things over the years. From taking part in my local council's youth advisory committee to doing courses at TAFE, I hope to show those who didn't like me that I can do anything they can. All you need to do is to stay positive and take one step at a time. Keep up the good work Kain as you are doing a superb job mate!!!
  2. G'day mate, how r ya??

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  3. Jazer

    All Saints

    I also enjoyed watching All Saints last night. If only the doctors paid more attention to the flight attendant, he would of survived. At least he got the chance to do his will before he died. Is it me or does everyone think that Charlotte & Zoe are going to kill each other. It's a shame that Charlotte didn't get the 2IC job as Frank could of told her about Zoe getting it before he told everyone in the ED, but I guess its too late now to change things. Hey did anyone recognise the actor who played that abuse victim Travis Knight?? That was Anthony Gee, who played Lily Nelson's (Kathryn Beck) abusive boyfriend Kyle on Home and Away!!
  4. Hey, I didn't know you could add friends & comment on your profile! lol

    Oh well thanks for letting me know as I might add a few people that I know here as my friends.

    Sorry I haven't made any graphics lately but I'm finding it hard with doing a good design!!!

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  5. So what is everyone doing for Christmas????? Well I will be spending it with my family as well as send Christmas cards to my friends! WAHOOOO! I made it to 700 Posts!!!
  6. Well done Jen. The Tasha avatars look great.
  7. WOW I like the way you written this fanfic, great job SfanS!! Looks like Kim stayed with Rachel and become another foster family but its sad as when Isabel finds out the truth about Kim, her whole life will be turned upside down.
  8. They look great especially the ones with Drew & Amanda!! Jazer (Jarad)
  9. While I'm glad I got autographs and personally meet Tim, Paul, Amy and Jon, I'm still waiting to get autographs from Mark, Jodi and Jason. I sent a letter along with some fancards for them to sign on but it been nearly a year since I sent it. Maybe I will get something as many H&A fans usually get a reply from their favourite actor/actress around that time. I hope that Jessica and Bobby will be coming to Royal Adelaide Show this year as they are two of my favourite all time H&A actors (along with Tim and Kate)!! Jazer (Jarad)
  10. High School Musical and Click!! Jazer (Jarad)
  11. Jazer

    All Saints

    Hey I have just looked at the AS articles scans and I just wanted to know if Former BH star John Wood will indeed guest star on All Saints. Thanks, Jarad
  12. Its working for me as I'm using Firefox not IE. Hoepfully everyone will be able to see it soon. Thanks, Jarad
  13. MOZILLA FIREFOX RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recently updated it and I still don't have any problems with viruses etc. Come on everyone, if you want a good internet browser than Firefox is the program for you. Thanks, Jarad
  14. I don't have this problem at the moment as i'm using Firefox. Early this year I had a problem with getting into BTTB but it turn out to be a problem with my internet sever. Thanks, Jarad
  15. Cool thanks for doing that Dan F. Thanks, Jarad
  16. Hey sorry to be like this but I wanted to know when you will be updating the current cast list for UK viewers. Most of the characters left ages ago and there are also some that are not on there at all. Here is the page I'm talking about: http://www.backtothebay.net/cast/characters.shtml Just wanted to tell you about this!! Thanks, Jarad
  17. YAY!!!! The smilies are back. Great job guys. Thanks, Jarad
  18. I know already said this but on the weekend, I got four fan cards from Tim Campbell, Paul O'Brien, Amy Mathews & Jon Sivewight. Thanks, Jarad
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