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    Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
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    going to gigs and festivals (I love Glastonbury!!!), listening to music, playing and creating stuff for Sims2.<br /><br />I mainly like metal and grunge music, but I like some other stuff too, like Kate Bush, she's awesome! My favourite bands, in no particular order are... Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, System Of A Down, Marilyn Manson, They Might Be Giants, Placebo, Mew, Muse, Radiohead, Pulp, Blur, The Cure, David Bowie, Faith No More, Foo Fighters, Manic Street Preachers, Mansun, Garbage, Greenday, The Kinks, Levellers, Nine Inch Nails, Soundgarden and loads more!<br />

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  1. Thanks Nicold for your comment and I glad that someone uses the rapidshare links

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  2. I gave u 5 out of 5 stars

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  5. Thanks for your awsome comment and yes I will still be posting the rapidshare links

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  6. As opposed to other H&A storylines such as Tasha being raped by Jonah, who she thought she could trust (whether or not it actually happened), Corey moving in with Irene and poisoning her, Corey going out with Martha then trying to kill her, Chloe being raped by her therapist, Kelly Vale trying to kill her own sister, Kirsty Sutherland running off with the man who raped her sister... the list goes on but I'm sure you get my point!
  7. Does nobody use punctuation anymore? The last page of posts has given me a headache! Pembie, Elliot managed to get Roman out of the house because Roman was drugged. I know he's big, but most people can probably lift more than their own body weight, I can lift my fiance up and he is about 8 inches taller than me and a lot heavier too! Can't really comment on the episodes as I'm about 2 episodes ahead and don't want to spoil it for anyone, I must say though, I'm not particularly interested in the Jack & Martha storyline, I find them to be pretty boring most of the time. I'm liking Belle and Aiden though, there's a lot more to Aiden's character than we've seen in the past, which is good. I quite like Miles and Kirsty too, although I do find Kirsty to be a bit strange, not sure in what way, maybe she seems a little fake or something, she just doesn't seem like the same Kirsty who left the show 3 years ago.
  8. Thanks :-)
  9. Can anyone tell me what episode we are up to now in the UK? I missed some episodes (a whole week's worth) last week and need to download them. Thanks
  10. Fiver?!? They changed Five Life to Fiver? What a stupid name! Oh well, that's all I had to say, I'm a couple of weeks behind on H&A at the moment, got 2 tapes at home to watch, I'm never home when it's on, so every now and again I just have a catch-up where I spend about 3 hours watching episodes back-to-back
  11. Don arrived back in episode 4468 which aired in Australia on Wednesday the 25th of July (thanks to Mark A.K.A JosieTash for the date!) . Thanks Now I can download the episodes I'm missing (I'm about a month behind UK eps at the moment and I've just realised that I've lost the next tape I need to watch!)
  12. Hi, quick question... Does anyone know the number (or Australian air date) of the episode when Don Fisher returned? Thanks
  13. Just a quick question... in the episode where Cassie's helpline started she received a prank call which turned out to be a girl from school (I think she was called Erin, but I might be wrong). Was she played by the same actress who played Tara? (the girl who accused Kim of rape) If it wasn't her, they look really similar!
  14. We get too much rain sometimes, we have weeks where it rains every day, thankfully this week hasn't been one of those weeks (I think the last time it rained was at the weekend!)
  15. Yeah, it just seems strange that the second year of sixth form isn't called seventh form!
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