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Everything posted by DialMforMorag

  1. Latest picture of Clarissa found online. She looks really well.
  2. Absolutely!! It's the least Channel 7 can do after all the commitment and support Cornelia has done since when she first started on Home and Away in 1988!
  3. It's hard to believe it's been a year since Corny passed away.
  4. https://www.backtothebay.net/news/2019/03/04/logies-2019-voting-open/ What the fresh hell?! I don't understand why Kestie Morassi hasn't been nominated for a logie award - has the network forgotten her magnificent cancer storyline? Georgie (Roo), Emily (Marilyn), Lynne (Irene), Ada (Leah), Sam (Jasmine) and Sophie (Ziggy) have hardly had any storylines in the past year so I don't understand how they are nominated, yet Kestie isn't?! Even Ashleigh (Chelsea) got a nomination yet she was a guest character. This is a huge disrespect to Kestie.
  5. I had this dream that Judi Dench and Maggie Smith had a guest appearance on Home and Away for Morag's departure storyline. Still can't believe Cornelia has gone, it's been 6 months. I REALLY, REALLY hope the show gives Morag a send off storyline. It's the least they can do after all the dedication, support and time Cornelia put into Morag and Channel 7.
  6. English actress Emily Perry died on 19 February 2008 aged 100 years old. That website says that 'Emily Perry' died on 20th February 2007 - which makes sense. The internet says absolutely nothing on what Emily Perry has done since she left Home and Away. Does anyone know what she has been up to since the H&A days?
  7. I don't know if this is true but I was looking up what Emily Perry was up to lately and I came across this website which says she died in 2007? Link - https://aromaticcoffees.com/tag/emily-perry/ I thought Zoe/Eve was one of the most notorious characters to ever step foot in Summer Bay.
  8. Episodes 6628, 6629, 6630, 6634, 6635, 6636, 6639, 6643 and her final appearance in 6645. Cornelia's son, Lawrence, has contacted Channel 7 asking for a final Morag storyline. This is what Lawrence had to say on the matter: "I think it would have been a nice idea to have a farewell on home and away with Mum (Cornelia) and she could pass away and they could dedicate the show to the Australian Cancer Council. Ray has been amazing with his support and especially donating the funds from his hot sauce to the Cancer foundation. I wish Channel 7 had as much gumption as Ray and support Mum as much as Morag supported Channel 7 and Home and Away."
  9. Hope Emily is given some decent stories and material to act with when Marilyn comes back. I believe Emily has strong capable acting skills, I thought she did a brilliant job with the Nicole/baby George storyline.
  10. I think they would have had to mellowed and softened her (Morag) a lot more to keep the character in line without going off the rails and ending up in jail, dead or whatever that leads to her character leaving the Bay. I truly believe it was under the influence of Dan Bennett's (short) role on the show that brings Cornelia back as Morag for another short guest stint, but I'm wondering, now that he's gone again, if this WILL be the last we ever see of Morag?
  11. I'm shocked at the amount of time Charlotte isn't working?! How could a teacher get away with that?
  12. After some research online, it seems that Clarissa now teaches acting... She's tutoring acting courses for children at AFTRS (Australian Film Television and Radio School) in Sydney this month: https://www.aftrs.edu.au/short-courses/screen-acting-for-kids-9-12/5447 https://www.aftrs.edu.au/short-courses/screen-acting-13-17/j561
  13. Still no news on what Clarissa does nowadays?
  14. Don has been mentioned a fair few times lately (UK pace). Please Stop Using Capital Letters At The Start Of Every Word
  15. I found some old articles on my PC earlier of interviews with Cornelia so I thought I'd share:
  16. Just came across some lovely photos of Clarissa House on my PC and just had to share: I wonder where, and what Clarissa is doing nowadays?!
  17. Martin. God, complete deadwood. Stroppy shoulders, puppy eyes, frowning all the time. Pointless small talk. Nothing against the actor, but a pointless character IMO.
  18. Did Greg, the new school principal, play Aden's father years ago? The face is so familiar.
  19. I met Celeste in London last year and she spoke about being half Australian/half English, she moved to London immediately after finishing Home and Away to attend drama school. She said that Home and Away was a huge learning curve for her, acting wide. She also mentioned that she was an extra on Downton Abbey. Good on her for getting other work in the meantime.
  20. I'm absolutely loving Leah's storylines lately, I feel she has become the new Sally.
  21. Although Roo has been involved heavily in both Maddy's and Alf's storylines respectively (A hug for Maddy. A hug for Alf. Another hug for Maddy. Another hug for Alf, etc), I'm looking forward to HER new romance storyline... About timing!
  22. Not another good looking guy... Seems TPTB are scared of getting an un-sexy face among the cast...
  23. I love Roo, the kind, motherly figure in her makes her character so believable. However, I wish they'd give her more personal stories so Georgie can show off her material more often rather than give Maddy a hug in every single scene.
  24. Such a shame that we're not likely to see Cheryl return, I think we should have seen a lot of more her during the Braxton era... I miss the show not having any bitchy, older female characters in a regular role, not just a guest role. Be interesting to see what Suzi Dougherty thinks of Cheryl.
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