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Little bean

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Little bean last won the day on July 3 2021

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  1. Ah, you’re probably right!
  2. According to this…. https://www.backtothebay.net/episodes/upcoming-uk-spoilers/
  3. I thought it was a Wednesday? (8th Sept?)
  4. Absolutely no issues with 5* for me. All working fine. I have an HD tv but honestly, I can’t notice any difference. I don’t even watch any other HD channels deliberately over non HD and I never download in HD. I guess it’s just a personal thing. Maybe some people have sharper eyesight than others! ??
  5. Didn’t Romeo also have it once? I can’t remember how or why he hurt his leg, but it rings a bell.
  6. Well that was all kinds of bonkers!! No surgeon or OR available at a major hospital?? Nothing more than local anaesthetic?? Just get the patient’s best mate to hold him down while the doc performs minor surgery? I thought I was watching Dr Quinn, medical woman for a minute there..... (As an aside - Tim Franklin does play the pained puppy exceptionally well!)
  7. Please God let this finally be the end of this Robbo storyline. I’m not going to lie, I stopped watching regularly waaaay before Christmas and have sort of dipped in and out of the endless episodes recorded in my TV to see if I can be bothered to engage properly. I’ve caught up now and it was every bit as bad as I was expecting. Everything Red said is what I feel. Mason didn’t even get to die heroically on camera. It was just BANG....so yeah, that happened.....Sheet over face....bye. Will I stick around for the new season? If Robbo dies in that crash and this is truly the end of it then maybe. I’ve never warmed to his character - nothing against the performance just the character and storylines have really not been my cup of tea. I do want to see Jade get her comeuppance so I’ll stick around for that.....assuming it happens! ? (Oh, and don’t get me started on the “main character actress takes break from filming so let’s have her character disappear, probably kidnapped, for a while” shenanigans. AGAIN.)
  8. Josh killed Charlotte by accident and in self defence. So for me, Colby’s murder of Ross was waaaay worse. Josh’s actions after Charlotte’s death were reprehensible. Both storylines ruined characters for me and both made me stop watching.
  9. I totally agree. I’ve actually struggled to watch it since Colby killed Ross in cold blood. I really liked him when he first arrived too! I have it recorded and catch up in bits occasionally but mostly I just keep up with it here in the vain hope that the truth comes out and he has to face the consequences. I suspect it will only happen when he leaves.
  10. Ben is it? Made me chuckle too.
  11. Ah, thanks. Not totally all in my head then!
  12. Do I vaguely remember Roo getting something ( Christmas card? Birthday card?) in the post from Martha? Or is my head just making stuff up?
  13. I didn't like her when she was with Kyle....probably because I never liked Kyle! Apart from the "unqualified to teach music" music teacher thing (that I ranted about before) I don't really mind her now. There are certainly characters I dislike waaaay more.
  14. He (admittedly only after being pushed to do so by Evie) reported the drug ring and nearly got himself and Kat killed because of it. Red, we have both given up on this show over this storyline but for different reasons. I loved Josh but they turned him into someone he wasn't (in my view) and ruined his character. You hated Josh and see him getting away with stuff he shouldn't have. It's interesting to me because the writers have really ballsed this up by making opposite ends of the spectrum come to the same sad conclusion. We all know that on a show like this you can't please everyone but It takes some doing to alienate your viewers on both sides! I'm planning to come back and take a look again when this storyline has finally aired in the UK. Whether I'll stay watching remains to be seen. If not, you'll probably find me in the pub at 6.30. I'll save a table.
  15. But he, Andy and Kyle all discussed how much Charlotte knew about their various misdemeanours just before she was killed. They must have talked about Kyle's relationship with her. Even if Josh didn't know, why didn't Kyle just bring it up when Josh said "Phoebe?" Odd.
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