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Everything posted by dontletmego

  1. (Not sure if spoiler tags are needed but just in case)
  2. I never thought of her until you brought her up, but now I definitely agree!
  3. Could not have said it better ?? pity that VJ's first proper girlfriend had to be Billie, but everything happens for a reason...
  4. I'm over Billie lying to VJ; it's getting boring and repetitive now, and I feel as if HAA are ruining a very good character (Billie). Pairing Billie with VJ also ruined the character for me.
  5. I love her so far! I agree with everyone above in saying that I hope they bring more actors her age in!
  6. I'm the same, Hope is honestly an immensely boring character. The acting and delivery of some of her lines falls flat in my eyes, but maybe that's just me?
  7. ah, thank you! I'm never really too sure sometimes, but thanks for letting me know! She definitely should! However, I doubt she'd be eligible as I think she's been on the show too long to be considered "new"? Hopefully she has a shot with Most Popular Actress, but she'd probably be beaten by someone like Bonnie Sveen who more people know, yet she's just as good.
  8. I'd love to hear what you all think
  9. I'm pretty sure they do still send fan cards to fans, I've been seeing a lot of people post about their own on Instagram
  10. Hmm I guess that makes sense; but I still like to say that she works quite well as Olivia, although her character isn't new.
  11. Mostly sunny woohoo! Around 14 degrees too
  12. Monsters University ?
  13. In all honesty, Mason really annoys me. The character itself is pretty boring, and the actor tends to show no emotion at all when it comes to anything? I'm not trying to hate on Orpheus, but I really cannot stand Mason at all.
  14. Hmm, I don't really get the whole thing about the recasting either, but now that I think about it, it seems like everyone doesn't like her because of her reintroduction, which I guess makes sense. However, I wish everyone would give her a chance despite the way she was brought into the show, and despite her pairing with Hunter. I do believe that she is a very beautiful character and there's a lot we can learn from her. Also, I wish everyone would give her relationship with Hunter a chance too.
  15. In all honesty, I sometimes do wish that they had left Olivia as she was, but that Raechelle had come on and played a different character (that is still similar to Olivia; just not with the history and relations that she has). I feel like because she's a past character that was brought back, people tend to hate her because they feel like an older character they loved or knew as someone different is ruined.
  16. I didn't like her very much with the Claire storyline either, but honestly I feel like she grew up a lot after that. (Hope I didn't spoil much for you! I forgot that some people don't live in Australia or New Zealand! )
  17. Any thoughts on the abortion storyline for Olivia?
  18. Hmm, I've got to admit I do kind of agree with you. I love Raechelle and I think she's an incredible actress, and I love Olivia too. I do understand how some of you probably won't like her as Olivia is a past character and the writers could've found a better way to reintroduce her to the show. I actually love her with Hunter, although I do agree with your opinions about the two of them together. I found it weird when she came and she was leading VJ on, and then she hooked up with Hunter straight after that. I don't think she's a brat, I just think she needs a little bit of extra love. I think her friendship with Skye was incredibly rushed though. I love their friendship but it was weird because they hated each other the one minute, and then they were best friends the next. I'm really hoping that there is more thought and development that goes into Olivia and her relationship with Hunter though.
  19. I'm surprised no one has made a topic for Olivia yet so I thought I'd make one! I love Raechelle/Olivia, Olivia is such an interesting and well developed character. Thoughts?
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