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Everything posted by sallyandflynnfan

  1. I think Colby/Willow/Bella/Dean/ Ziggy/ Raffy and Mason are the most likeable characters
  2. Jen all you icons are amazing. Thanks for always posting then. Could you post some Roman and Martha ones if possible? could u upload the 1st one on the third row and the second last row separtley.
  3. Loving this so much Update soon
  4. Thanks. i'm about to upload the first chapter of Moving on my new fic. Would love for you read and let me know your thoughts
  5. so happy that you liked it, Thanks for always reading my fanfics
  6. Loved this Like Morgans and Astoni hanging out miuns the parents of both familes update soon
  7. I was considering it maybe in the next chapter they will
  8. OMG Love this so much. Can't wait to read more. Update soon.
  9. She might not know that she falling for him yet Who knows Vincent might be honest with her first As for swimming it might or might not happen Glad your liking this story
  10. Yes Brody getting jealous and this is just the start Glad you like the moment between Ziggy and Coco Glad your liking the story so far Thanks so much. I honestly just think of plots the moment before I start writing each chapter. Omg I cant wait to read part 2 of yours as it one of my favourite fanfictions
  11. Thanks so much for reading my fanfiction. You are a great writer and I wish I was as good as you. So glad that you are liking the story
  12. You will see Brody gets jealous soon
  13. Glad you liked it. What did you think of the Ziggy and Vincent moments?
  14. Thanks I looking forward to this. You will love the next chapter as Ziggy and Vincent have lots of scenes
  15. Hunter died. I wasn't expecting that but I'm Glad it wasn't Mason Hope Mason will be ok I couldn't handle it if he were to died Update soon
  16. Thanks. I loved writing it. Glad u liked the ending it defs was. Glad u liked the ending
  17. Thanks glad your liking it. the way I will take this is going to surprise allot of people
  18. I will be posting it really soon as I know what I want to happen next
  19. Great Chapter Loving Mason and Coco. Not so keen on Hunter and Raffy update soon
  20. loving this interesting choice of pairing look forward to more
  21. Thanks glad your liking it and yes they have
  22. do you mean Roman? Jack the one in the dark
  23. I glad you liked it and I have a feeling you might be right
  24. That was the end of the story. Glad you liked it
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