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Everything posted by KKB

  1. Good chap nice heart to heart at the end with Frank and Stevo update soon pls
  2. Poor Sal hopefully she can tell Frank what she wants to soon. Good chat between Roo and Barbara. Overall good chap update soon
  3. Great chapter. Boy Alison is a bitch to Carly. Good to see both Frank and Bobby and Frank and Steven speaking. Poor Sally I hope Frank sees her soon. Update soon pls
  4. Good chap. Can you pls make Matt and Carly have more scenes
  5. Good fic
  6. Liked how Bobby and Steven finally have spoken. Liked the Frank and Sally stuff. Looking forward to more
  7. Good fic
  8. Nice couple of chapters liked the Frank and Sal stuff. I was shicked at Stevo's reaction to Bobby well written by the way. I hate Danny. Update soon pls
  9. Liked the chap
  10. Loved this chap the stuff with Matt and Frank was good alongside the stuff with Alisa and Frank Pippa and Frank and Bobby and Sal and Bobby and Matt. Update soon pls
  11. Liked both chapters felt sorry for Sal when Kim was being mean to her but loved her and Matts interaction
  12. I liked Sally interrupting them too. Matt and Carly are one of my fave couples of all time
  13. Loved this chap particually the Carly and Matt stuff pls make them get together please Im begging u. Looking forward to more
  14. Nice start tp this fic cant wait for more
  15. Love this
  16. Poor Sal. Nice for her to recreminsine the memories of Flynn
  17. These stories were short but sweet. I liked them all
  18. Im glad someone agrees with me @Summer's Bay
  19. I have been watching alot of Carly's earlier stuff over the last couple of days and I really like her however I dont think Ben is the best match for her I think Matt is.
  20. I love Frank and miss him. Im always been a big fan of him and Roo togther as far Im aware Justine and Alex are pretty close in real life would like to see Frank back in the bay some day who knows maybe for the 30th year
  21. Im only young but I have watched re runs and ship Roo and Frank and personally think that Justine did a better job as Roo then Georgie has
  22. I would like to see that stuff too that u mentioned particually the Nashes breakup
  23. Loved the chap particually how Ben was Leahs knight in shining armour
  24. Loved the chap. Cant wait for more VJ/Coco scenes
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