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  1. Nosferatu, silent German horror film from 1922, heavily based on Dracula.
  2. Does anyone know why she was included for so long in the opening titles (she was in them in 2008 and she only appeared for about 2 episodes the whole year)?
  3. I'll be interested to see what direction they take Leah in now that VJ has left.
  4. Ryder's entrance to the show felt a bit half-arsed (he pretty much just moved straight into the Summer Bay house with barely a word) but I think he's an interesting character. I was a bit bummed when he started showing interest in Coco and Raffy though (ever new character that comes into the show I hope will be gay). I don't know why the writers are so reluctant to add gay characters. I mean Number 96 had a few openly gay regulars and that was all the way back in 1972!
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