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Everything posted by homeandaway_lover~~!

  1. Do you think, I'll get a reply from Isabel or Jason? I wrote to them in May.
  2. Haha, I wrote down the day I sent my letter to Jodi, and it took her 133 days to reply That's pretty quick, hey?
  3. ^^ I got one from her today! =]
  4. I wrote to the entire cast over March - June to this address: Name c/o home and away channel seven sydney epping nsw aus 2121 ^^^ does that one still work? Because I got a reply!
  5. I don't have any from Rhys. How long did it take for him to reply to you? I've written to: Jodi Holly Amy (mizzi) Amy Mathews Lyn C Jason Isabel Nicholas Ivar Clarissa Ada Jessica Ray & The only one that replied was Jess Tovey
  6. I'm really happy! After waiting 2 1/2 months, i've recieved my first fancard from jessica tovey(belle taylor)!!
  7. wowee...........! whats your secret to getting replies?
  8. Jodi will still reply....give it time. One of my friends wrote to chris 2 years ago and got her reply last week. I've so far written to Jodi Gordon, Holly Brisley, Amy Mizzi and Jessica Tovey and am awaiting replies.. You can request for fancards but they usually send them anyway, in the letter, just compliment them on the wonderful job they do and also maybe tell them a bit about yourself.
  9. Yeah, you have to either write to them or meet them I wrote to Jodi Gordon, Jessica Tovey and Holly Brisley a while back and still awaiting replies.......
  10. Date Movie. It waz funny
  11. Hello fellow home and away lovers!
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