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Dan F

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Everything posted by Dan F

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. Though they did randomly treat Aussie viewers to the new international closing credits for the season finale.
  3. Yes it's the 5Star ep that drops, as it does now. To put it simply, everything is exactly the same, only the episode will be added at 6am on demand, rather than 6:30pm. The episode uploaded on a Monday (which is still labelled as Tuesday in line with the C5 airings) ends in 2 or 7.
  4. No, it was previously established in 2023 that she dropped out of medical school to pursue music instead.
  5. Onto the 2025 season we go, and as per the norm of the past few years we begin 8 weeks behind Australian airings. A reminder that the thread runs at the (proper) Channel 5 pace, so anyone watching a day early on 5Star, or via 5's on-demand offering, should take that into account and not post any spoilers.
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  7. Yep you're correct with the line-up (none from 99-08), though there was also Alf's very first store which was a sort of bait shop/boat repair/bottle shop cross before he teamed up with Celia. I recently wrote the history out for an Oz pace news story, which will no doubt make it's way into a UK pace one soon enough
  8. They haven't been able to use the filming location - the building that houses both the bait shop and diner had to be knocked down in 2022 in advance of a complete rebuild. That was also the reason for the coffee cart being introduced at that time. Whilst it's been up and running again in real-life for a year now, it doesn't seem as though the show were able to negotiate a deal with the new owners to continue using it as a location. Hence the bait shop now closing (we won't make any assumptions about the show referencing greedy landlords in the process ), and why we're still stuck with scenes at the coffee cart.
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  13. That scene was planned but ultimately cut, we instead got a glimpse of it as he blew out the candles at the end of the episode. It was "20 Good Years" which I always thought sounded a little awkward.
  14. You're right, It did get some mentions in the late 90s, I know they wanted to buy out Travis's whalewatching business at one point. Though offhand I don't think it was actually seen again until 2003, at the time of Dani's trial. Then again quite prominently from 2007 (pre-Sam & Jack's wedding, then later Kirsty working there) through to around 2010 with the whole Penn thing. Our filming location pages are quite useful in that regard: The Sands Resort (1989-91, 2007) The Sands Resort (2003) The Sands Resort (2007 onwards)
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  16. Indeed, it's part of the former Callan Park Hospital estate. Though unless we're talking about a different time, it wasn't the place used for Justin's sessions in 2023 as they were up at Scheyville. I'm not recalling the Kirkbride building being seen on the show before offhand, though just as a matter of interest the care home that Irene was admitted to in 2005 was also on the same complex.
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  18. Always been there at the existing location, but seldom (if ever) used before now. Given it's at the bottom of the garden at right angles to the house, you'd be forgiven for thinking it belonged to the house next door at first glance.
  19. For those that haven't already seen it, those that placed 21-39... https://www.backtothebay.net/features/most-popular-character-2024/21-39/
  20. And now into the top 50.... https://www.backtothebay.net/features/most-popular-character-2024/40-60/
  21. We're actually all good for summaries in recent years, just need to get them uploaded. Thanks though and will bear it in mind in the future.
  22. Those that placed 61-79 https://www.backtothebay.net/features/most-popular-character-2024/61-79/
  23. Characters that placed 80-99 https://www.backtothebay.net/features/most-popular-character-2024/80-99/
  24. Forgot to post in here yesterday, but all characters that placed at 100 and lower are now up https://www.backtothebay.net/features/most-popular-character-2024/mpc2024-index/ Given it was the same person who voted for both Peter and Lorraine, who has been a regular poster in the Early Years threads, I think we're safe to assume it was written correctly
  25. Thanks for the heads up, bit of a glitch with categories but Chris has now fixed
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