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Dan F

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Everything posted by Dan F

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  2. There hadn't been a repair, it was a leak found in one of the pipes, which allowed benzine from the insulation surrounding it to seep back into the water supply.
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  5. Whilst I take RR1's point about them trying to hammer it in about Tane, it does make me laugh when Dana calls him that (as did her "Well he certainly GOT lucky....") Only problem is, every time I hear it, I get "You're Welcome" from the Moana soundtrack in my head... just because demigod is mentioned... It's just for the particular counselling course that Tane was ordered to attend immediately - Justin's sessions were evidently less intense and he was able to attend a local centre over a number of weeks.
  6. Something that in NSW is supposed to be an option for sentences of up to 2-3 years... not 7 like Tane's...
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  8. Maybe she's restyled herself in Spain as WAG 'Tracy O'... It did seem awkwardly contrived to do just that - which was a bit of a shame given their usual camaraderie. I would presume that Sidney has since confessed to killing Crystal as well - considering he was talking about Stevie being the last on his list, and he was finishing the job since "no-one was supposed to survive in the movie". Odds on there being any follow-up on that though...?
  9. Call me cynical, but I thought his taiaha display at the beginning of the ep was also a rather transparent tactic to get any wavering fans back on side, ready to feel sorry for him for having to go to court. Yes he may have been behaving like a petulant child in recent weeks, but look at how his muscles glisten in the evening light. I wonder if there'll be anything else to remind people of how great he is before he gets to court...
  10. It's a house they're renting in Summer Bay. If there wasn't a tree in the way you'd have seen the lighthouse as part of the view.
  11. They have to have been separated for a year before they can divorce in NSW, so only halfway there on UK screens.
  12. I should point out that H&A works quite differently to other shows, in that Lucy Addario as series producer actually has nothing to do with the story generation - she manages the actual production of the show. The plots are down to the series script executive, who reports to the network drama execs.
  13. Not sure on that one at the moment, it's on my list but I haven't had a good search for it as yet. I know that it was also used in A Country Practice though. There's been a few locations both old and new added to the site over the past few weeks following my own recent trip: Tane & Felicity's wedding / Robbie & Tasha's self-performed wedding Morgan Family Graves / Shannon's failed meeting with Katherine Levi & Imogen's House And today, one which I'm very happy to finally get on the site to complete the trio, as it took a long time to track down (and to then get photographed). The first incarnation of a house which remained on the show for 20 years: Travis's House (1995-2000)
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  15. Harper is the eldest.
  16. It didn’t need to, the point CaptainHulk was making was that she was with Remi. Remi who we’re meant to believe is reasonably well-known as a member of Lyrik - the band who are based in Summer Bay, play ‘regular’ gigs at Summer Bay’s Salt, filmed their music vid at Summer Bay’s lighthouse, and who are sponsored by Summer Bay Auto. Granted Stevie had only known him for a few hours and might not know that he’s ‘famous’, but it’s that lack of forethought when advertising that she’d just slept with the guy that could cause issues.
  17. I'm not the expert on the technical side, so @Chris J may be able to confirm, but I don't believe there is a way to do this within the forum software unfortunately. It would certainly be handy (as would the option to search within long conversations).
  18. Yes as Luigi pointed out these are also tracks that are from a production music library - even to this day H&A continues to use library music (both instrumental and vocal) alongside the commercial songs and the Perjanik underscores. There was a time when the individual library sites were the only place to find the tracks, making ID'ing them a lot trickier, but a lot are finding their way to Youtube now via automated processes.
  19. Yeah that one was completely lost on me too But then Mali was considering Mac as a "sister" within months of moving in so I guess anything's possible.
  20. They're shifting the C5 afternoon showing to 5Star, with the 6-7pm showings on 5Star as normal.
  21. It was mentioned in the ep that it was food poisoning he got from a dodgy kebab on the way to work.
  22. Can confirm that there was never any mention in 1999 of Pippa marrying Ian, despite the longstanding claim that Sal went to their wedding...
  23. That was it It was one of these little cameo things as she's a real life 'influencer' in Oz (scroll to the bottom, no spoilers in link now) - https://www.backtothebay.net/news/2024/04/06/home-and-away-spoilers-felicity-catches-out-mackenzie-and-levi/
  24. Latest gauge of distance we had was "a 10 minute drive" - which is yet another decrease on the 20mins mentioned a few years ago. Though we're at the point where any character that works in Yabbie Creek is constantly getting their coffees from the diner, or talking and walking through the bay on their short breaks, anyway. Rose recently admitted that she was on her third coffee from the diner in one particular shift. Because there's nowhere in the much bigger Yabbie Creek to take a walk or grab a drink...
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