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Homer Bobby Simpson

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  1. Case closed. We were right about it being Tamara's cot. I was wrong about the actress who played her. Funny what your mind can merge isnt it? It was Episode 1150. Thanks for helping!
  2. I think you are right... Weirdly, i had the same thought today and was about to write this post... . "I've just had a thought. Maybe i'm confusing storylines. I've skipped through the episodes that follow to know avail. Perhaps it was baby Tamaras cot? There was the line "Sorry, but did your baby die in this cot?" - maybe it wasnt Dales. Who knows. If anyone can shed any light it would settle a niggle in my nostalgic brain." I'll get hunting! I'm sure it's Roo 2! I'll let you know.
  3. Can someone help with a bit of geek trivia. I seem to remember an episode where a couple come to view a cot at Pippa and Michaels house. It's the cot that Dale passed away in. I have this memory that the actress playing the role of the woman buyign the cot was GEORGIE PARKER who later would play Roo #2. Can anyone confirm if im right/wrong? Also, what episode would it have been? It would have been a little after Episode 1222
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