Today i watched 3 movies.
Scary Movie 4 which was playing off alot of good movies,but i just didnt find it funny..The smacking in the face with the balls,the girl getting hit by lightning and hurt in other ways along with the other people,i just thought it was too much.
Also saw Man Thing..Doubt anyone would of heard of it..I didnt but it got rented..It was weird..Didnt really get it mainly beacuse it couldnt hold my attention,it was just something about a swamp monster.
And Stormbreaker..I ordered it last week and got it today,its due out on monday.I actually like it..Even though its a teenage spy i thought it was more grown up..It was over the top in places and just 'had' to include Alex's crush at the end with the horse,thats the only thing i found slightly aimed at teens in the movie and didnt really like,the rest was good.