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Everything posted by Reo

  1. Run Fatboy Run and Stardust. Loved Stardust.
  2. I agree Jack shouldnt be a cop. And yeah, he did cause the death. By continuing chasing him as fast as he was, making him go faster. He was told to back off but didnt. Plus the guy has been in 3 comas.. Not that has anything to do with the above lol, just seems abit much for the character.
  3. Most of the time I really hate Aden.. But then other times I am on his side and I like his character. Today I loved his character and his acting was the best I have seen in a long time. I thought he was great, I hope we see more dramatic scenes like that from him. I cant believe Sam though. What she is doing to Jack. She has basically turned it back on him, saying that he isnt the man she thought he was. Sam murdered someone and she is making out like Jack is in the wrong. I really liked the Colleen and Alf scenes, I wish Morag would tone it down alittle. We all know she isnt Colleen's number 1 fan, but with this, I think she is really going alittle too far with the way she is acting. Just to tone it down alittle.
  4. So really there was no reason why they would show 2 episodes on Five Life (Fiver is such a bad name) yesterday? Because I missed it, I forgot lol.. Good to know it will be shown like normal.
  5. ^ That was my last movie aswell. I was told that the dog died before I watched it.. Wasnt keen on that at all.. Its a unwritten (or possibly written) rule that animals shouldnt be killed in movies, even if they turn 'bad'. It wasnt even a short scene either, first the whimpering during the dog fight and then how slowly he killed him. And the lion and deer(?).. Could of done without that being so graphic with the noise. We didnt need to see all of it either. Other than that, I thought the movie was over-rated. While watching it, it was pretty good. But thinking about it after, what exactly happened. Not much at all. It could of done with alot more in there. I did however love the way they had the infected humans. Best I have seen in awhile.. (Including zombies and everything.)
  6. Reo


    I wonder how many more fat jokes they are going to put in. Just tonight there was a Goonies one. I dont know why the actress hasnt said anything about it. Heather is always getting scenes where her character is basically there for laughs because she is overweight.
  7. Did anyone think that Tony's trousers... were a little bit on the tight side? Or was that just me? lol It was when he was dressed to take Rachel for dinner and Jazz was in the house talking about Drew leaving.
  8. Just finished watching Serenity after I had watched the Firefly series the last few days. Cried when Wash died. 'I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I...'
  9. Drew was losing it a few weeks ago and now he has gone. But Leah mentioning that it could be Dan's death making him lose it, I didnt think about that at all. Never entered my head. But he really has changed, couldnt believe what he did to Belle. The arguement, blaming her for things that she has no control of. Not understanding that her career is important and she cant risk losing it or just quiting like that. It has been abit much, he seems to have lost all understanding. And I was also surprised by Leah and her just letting him go, it doesnt seem like her.
  10. I found it pretty funny when Morag and Roman were talking and Martha was looking at them from the kitchen, like Morag had become the center of the date lol I am really hating Drew's change in character. First he goes off at Aden without warning, when he shouts at him to be a big man and own up, and then again when Aden said something to Matilda about Johnny. Fair enough, something that people would get mad at. But it just came out of no-where, it didnt show him losing his temper, he just went from being calm to completely losing it. And now this thing with Belle. Belle has a job, a career and something that she cant just say no to when being told what to do. She cant pick and choose, she just started. But Drew doesnt care. I couldnt believe it when he said 'How could you let this happen?' when he came in with the paper. For one thing how was Belle to know? She had written out the piece and showed it to Drew, that was what she was expecting to see in the paper and for another, what exactly could Belle have done?
  11. Death at a Funeral and Sgt. Bilko
  12. Big Nothing and Harvey. Im also on episode 6 of Brothers and Sisters Series 1.
  13. That is alot lol The only thing that has annoyed me is Ric and Cassie basically living in a different world, away from everything that has happened.. It just didnt seem right. Also, I dont remember when Amanda and Jazz met before? I know that Jazz did rent Amanda's house, but I cant remember them onscreen together, were they? And when? I wish they had showed the full slap fight though, that was funny.
  14. I thought Leah finding out about Dan was a very poor scene, I liked the idea of the camera being on other characters, then the shocking news.. But it was right for it to happen at the Diner and like it was nothing, because I didnt think it was much of a impact. Roman's 'house' has been mentioned a few times, or maybe its the fact that I am watching repeats lol, but I have heard it being said a couple of times, it seems he now has bought or rented somewhere, and got the Diner aswell.. The guy is rich. I am begining to feel sorry for Aiden, I did in yesterdays Five Life episode and again today, but his attitude that he feels he is better than others and bullying them, annoys me so much, I go back to hating him. But in todays episode, I actually hated Drew.
  15. Ratatouille, I maybe weird in saying this.. But I thought Remy was rather selfish.. lol But still, good movie. Although I did spent the whole movie trying to figure out who voiced Remy because I recognized the voice so much, kicked myself when I looked it up.
  16. Oldish question. I remember when Sally and Flynn were living in Tony's current house and wanted to build the surgery.. Or I think buy, when they were talking about it.. Sally managed to sell, I think, a plot of land. How did she originally get that?
  17. The Longest Yard, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (Just like 1 long cut scene lol), Grosse Pointe Blank, and I dont remember what else.
  18. American Sweethearts yesterday. And today I watched The Chumscrubber. Great movie. Cant believe I never heard of it before. And there are so many great actors in it.
  19. lol Very funny Colleen. 'Dont shoot! I have an alibi!' The highlight of the episode.
  20. I thought the episode was great. Best in a long time. Although, I also found Sallys jump to the memories alittle too sudden.. I liked that it sort of went back with age, remember when she was 7/8 with Pippa, and then back even further, but it was alittle too fast. I also think they should of just had Sally and Milco in the episode, up until the end with Colleen entering and Ric. But I think they should of cut Cassie out of the episode. I know that she has a really big storyline, but what was said and shown in todays episode, didnt have to be in that episode, it could of been left until the next episode, I would of loved it if it was just the whole episode in the House with Sally and Milco.
  21. I think Martha deserved it. The last thing Sam knew was that Martha had left the Bay.. Next thing she is at the door to the church, why would she be there? The only reason would be because she is still obsessing over Jack and either wanted to see it happen, or stop it. Sam saw her, and she wanted to confront her and this is the way she did it. I loved that line to Martha, I thought it was great. The only bit I actually liked in the whole JM/JMS storyline.. In all the years lol I cant wait for the next episode either, I cant wait to see Sally's reaction. I hope she doesnt go alittle too off with him. How would he know about Milco? And why would he make up a lie about it? Hopefully Sally can keep some sense with her reaction.
  22. I think its reasonable to assume that Sam or Jack, or anyone else they have told will ask how Cassie is. Whether they ask Ric or Sally or anyone else, making thinking that they know. Even if they dont go around telling people that Cassie is in hospital.. Which is a possibilty, but Im sure they will ask how she is.
  23. I wrote out along message and posted it, but then it lagged and didnt load, refreshed and it took me back to the main board.. So I'll say it again. I find it hard to believe that they are trying to keep her being in hospital a secret. The teens and Martha may have promised, but what about the nameless characters there, Rachel who is friends with Sally, Sam who had told Jack. How are they going to keep it a secret? Plus all those teens there, someone would of seen them and wondered what had happened. If it doesnt get found out by others that she is in hospital, then its crazy. Also, I loved the Miles and Sally scenes. The water sounds while Miles was telling his story was great, you could imagine it. It was really sad. And I cant wait until tomorrows episode. I also loved Sams line to Martha about her not being at the wedding. Very funny.
  24. Really didnt like the jump in scenes in todays episode. Cassie gets knocked over by the car, seconds later she is already in a hospital bed. Cassie blurted out she is HIV+ and all the teens are outside the door and shocked, 1 second later Matilda is right by her bed, either that was a jump scene, or Matilda glided really fast over to her. lol And I actually felt for Henk in todays episode. Also did anyone else hear a 'squelch' noise when the car hit Cassie? lol
  25. Speed and I finally finished The 10th Kingdom.. And now I want to watch it again lol
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