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Everything posted by Reo

  1. I can't wait to see Disturbia..I have been waiting for it for months,even before it hit US cinemas..But I still have to wait until he comes to dvd over here. Today I watched Reno 911: Miami.. Very funny,wished it was longer.
  2. Series 1 of Black Books and now just over half way through Sunshine.
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  4. Reo


    I'm not liking the Mitchell sisters.. It's the way they are going on with a war with Ian. I know there has always been a Mitchell-Beale war..But it was more of a Phil vs Ian and sometimes Peggy.. Now suddenly the sisters come to the square and Ian who only wanted to see his brother soon has them against him..They put dirty and wet binbags outside his place and he moves them back and suddenly they are putting mice in his cafe.. Other than that,they aren't too bad..Its just the way they have jumped into the war and they are the ones that started it,where as the real Mitchell-Beale war which was soon calmed down alot by Ben has gone on for so long it's hard to tell what is going on and who is at fault and provides humour.
  5. Reo


    I felt the ending was alittle bit of a letdown.. Ben didn't actually reveal what was going on..He just stopped up and stopped the wedding and didn't say anything,I guess it shows how scarred he was emotionally by Stella but I think it would of been good if Ben got back some strength to tell the true instead of Phil working it out on his own. I also found the chase and the ending to be a letdown,I would of liked to have seen Phil grab her alot and try to strangle her then she got away and jump/pushed off the roof. I felt a little sorry for her aswell..She was clearly not right and even at the end when she took his photo and giving Ian a message to tell Ben..
  6. Eskimo Joe - Comfort you played when Drew and Amanda kissed in the gym and Alf walked in..It was also played when Kit has a false alarm,not sure if it played again when she gave birth.
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  8. Edit: Answered my own question
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  11. Five Lifes early years is at Ep2900.
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  22. Nanny McPhee and Hot Fuzz.. Hot Fuzz was funny,but I think over-rated..Shaun of the Dead was better,although I loved the Point Break spoof at the end.
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