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Everything posted by Reo

  1. 4115, But I don't think she is in it much at all..But that is when she is first seen,minus the times where she is running through the bush with her face hidden that was 4110. I think,I'm not certain.
  2. I think 4101 is the first episode she was in,her scenes were going to the ambulance and helping a person,then seeing Kim lying on the ground..It was the cyclone episode. Although she played a nurse during VJ operation storyline,but that wasnt Rachel,just the same actress
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  7. Thanks,Second attempt at making,the first one was bad lol..Blending didn't go well at all..
  8. Credit and host if you use
  9. Thanks The font is called Violation.
  10. Credit and host if you use
  11. Just thought I would add my one
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  13. Glad you like..
  14. Not sure if these are any good..
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  22. Good to know. Thanks
  23. I changed my email yesterday,first getting a new password because I couldn't remember mine.. Anyway once I did that and changed the email,it sent me a validation email with the code,I went to the link and entered it but a error page came up and it said I didn't have to validate because I already created the account.. I then checked my control panel and did noticed that it had changed my email address fine,but now reading this it seems that the validation thing is of some importance,I have been able to log in and make messages and stuff..Is it all okay with my account?
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