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  1. I loved that bit I just read all the chapters. This fic is amazing. Especially love Aden and Belle Please update soon, can't wait for more
  2. Thankyou for pointing that out. Meant to say Julie not Laurie
  3. I'd read it PLEASEEEEEEEEE update
  4. Yayyyy they actually got a happy ending. That was so cute I loved this whole fic, probably one of my favourites. Brilliant writing aswell Hope you write more fics
  5. All the chapters have been Brillaint. Martha and Jack are so cute in this. Lucky Martha to have such a sweet guy can i have him? Please update soon, can't wait to read more
  6. I havn't commented on this in ageeeeeeeesss Love it all. Those chapters have been brilliant I love this fic and i think you should add more chapters Please update soon, can't wait for more
  7. Please don't make Martha pregnant Great chapter though, the last bit made me laugh Please update soon, can't wait for more
  8. Yay an update Loved the edning, so cute. He likes her Poor Martha though PLEASE update soon, can't wait to read more
  9. It better not be all weird between them after this Loved the chapter though, atleast they are getting somewhere Please update soon, can't wait for more
  10. Aww this is so cute, they miss each other Jack is so jelouse, i love it Please update soon
  11. Great one shot and its so different I liked the ending aswell Hope to see more one shots from you, not about M&M though Brilliant writing
  12. Excellent few chapters Like everyone else i loved a Drunk Martha aswell, so funny . But what is Jack doing I don't like Lily she seems to be everywhere lol, Poor Martha Please update soon, i can't wait to read more
  13. Stupid Jack Martha should go and hook up with some random, to get Jack angry Great Chapter though, please update soon
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. Jack is so going to hurt Martha lol. Great couple of chapter. Really love their friendship Please update soon
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