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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    home and away. eastenders , 24, lost, prison break,

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  • Location
    newcastle-upon-tyne, united kingdom
  • Interests
    i like watching sport, specially football. am a newcastle utd fan. my favourite tv programmes are. lost, big brother, and 24. i like socialising as well.

Paulrobbins36uk's Achievements


Member (5/12)



  1. evening everybody . why cant i still get avatars not fair very one has got one apart from me. its been off for ages now i like using them as well
  2. fine thanx thought i pop on to say hello and to see how everybody is doing. What you been up to?
  3. Hello Cal how you doing?
  4. sorry evening everybody then lol
  5. Morning everybody
  6. Ok thank you for that Dean And Holly am very grateful
  7. Can anyone tell me if i will get my avatars and emotions back please? not the same without these.
  8. Fine thanks Dean how are you doing? What you been up 2?
  9. Afternoon everybody
  10. Afternoon everybody
  11. Lets have a farewell party for me he he he . Everyone invited
  12. Thank you will miss all of you to. Will miss you so cal you been a good friend thank you
  13. Am selling the computer need the money
  14. Well it doesnt matter anyway wont be on here much longer anyway.
  15. I changed my name because the name is cheesy. Why dont you like this one then?
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