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Everything posted by kim-b

  1. Some kind of chat thread this is!
  2. I cant stand films where the so called comedian cant make me laugh. Rob Schneider doesn't make me laugh. Maybe my sense of humour is too british
  3. the hot chick. it was rubbish.
  4. Happy birthday indianna. i cant believe she is only 2 years younger than me.
  5. No school yesterday, no school today. I'm just the best ever at pulling sickies.
  6. Haha i know it gets boring when you have a lomg time off. But its great when you just got the day off and you can watch tv when your not supposed to. like the 400m mens hurdles thats on now. i hope our guy wins
  7. Aww sorry thats such a shame. I'm of school all day sick but i wont complain about that.
  8. I have a little phobia about leaving electrical things on in my room at night. Also i cant even get my scan disk to work. I hate this computer. I need a new one!!
  9. Is there a free or trial program you can download to defrag your hard drive...I ve tried to defrag my hard drive with my de-fragger but still after waiting 5,6,7 hours nothing happens.
  10. Well im just sitting in my room listening to music and lookin around the net. I cant go out cause my mom keeps ringing to check how i am. Haha i'm also texting my friends to laugh at them as they are all in lessons
  11. I have the whole day off school and i'm insanely happy.
  12. Anita and Me
  13. thankyou guys haha ive been busy reading lotsa stuff here. its keeping me from posting!!
  14. hello this is my first post so i thought i'd put it here..rather than make a hello thread
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