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Gypsy & Will Fan

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Everything posted by Gypsy & Will Fan

  1. You and me both, how I wish she and Will would come back! I can so imagine her and Kit rocking the bay! I can dream, oh and Lily would be just like her mum. *Penny dreams*
  2. We're on the same wave lengh SkyKat, I LOVED Gypsy and Hayley's fights! Who could forget the one in the diner now your going to see how sad I am: Gypsy: Lets go, she isn't worth it. Hayley: I'm not worth it, at least I don't make boys buy me expensive bags before I'll sleep with them. Gypsy: You cow. Gypsy lunges at Hayley and seriously knocks her about until Vinnie steps in. Vinnie: Chill pills, chill pills all round. Nick: Tell that to her, she started it. Vinnie: I don't care my little friend. Nick: Next time you go near my sister, you'll have me to deal with. Will: Nick, easy with the Mike Tyson impersonations! That cracked me up!
  3. Brilliant Tasha! I loved the "are you ready for more?" line!
  4. Awwww that was so sweet Tasha, I have tears in my eyes!
  5. Brilliant Tasha, that chapter bought a tear to my eyes.
  6. This is great Tasha, cheered me up no end before the big match tonight (I'm nervous by the way)
  7. Brilliant Tash! I too thought it was Mattie!
  8. LOL, Cassie made me laugh! Brilliant Tasha!
  9. Brilliant Tasha. Wonder what happens next!
  10. Great SKYKAT!
  11. Brilliant Jackie! Topped off a brilliant day!
  12. Awww Jackie, your making me cry! Poor Lucas and Jack!
  13. Tasha, you can't leave it there!
  14. Brilliant Jackie! Loved Jack in that chapter!
  15. I really hope there OK, brilliant Jackie!
  16. Oh My God! I hope there OK!
  17. Brilliant Tasha, everytime I think I know who pops their clogs, I change my mind!
  18. Awwww thats so sweet Tasha!
  19. Brilliant Tasha, love it!
  20. Brilliant Tasha!
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