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Everything posted by georgie

  1. Thanks Dan! Aw, we will be there early Jan so will no doubt miss out on seeing anyone there but just wanted to check! Thanks
  2. Hi, My friend and I hope to visit the Palm Beach area in January. Can anyone tell me roughly what time of year they stop and start filming over the christmas period? I know the info is somewhere on this forum but I've searched and googled and can't find the answer! Thanks in advance - this post is great source of info
  3. I agree with both points about Aden sleeping with this random - I'm just so disappointed that it's happened ALREADY get someone into that house to sort him out, quicksmart I say! Him closing the door on Irene did make me laugh in suprise though!!
  4. Couldn't agree more. We hardly had time to wipe the tears from our poor little eyes It's a bit like Wham, Bam, Thank you mam, now clear out of here. Thanks for thinking of us though I agree, bit annoying cos we will have to bring discussion to other threads which will annoy uk viewers. :/
  5. whats the name of the woman officer usually working with charlie these days? i thought charlie was saying her name in ep 4848 from today (6 May) but I cant tell
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