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Everything posted by furrylogic

  1. Thanks everyone. Im glad you enjoyed it. There are more coming slowly because Im into my final weeks of uni, then Im free (well kinda) for the summer to write away. So expect more soonish... Thanks again -Anna
  2. Thanks and don't worry. I knew this story would be a bit hard to take for some people. It's just so unusual but I had to do it. But don't worry I didn't take any of it to heart.
  3. Thanks everyone!!! But... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that was it, it was only a one shot kind of thing. Sorry to disappoint but I am intending to write other fics soonish so hopefully you'll all enjoy them as much as this one.
  4. It was great. Something TOTALLY different from everything else I've read. Angsty Maddie is awesome! Great job!
  5. LOVED IT! It was just my favourite so far! So happy with how you ended it!
  6. *sighs* I love these stories!!! They're so easy to read, cant wait to see what happens in "Dont forget about me"!!!
  7. Yea I totally agree I loved that line. Me too... I want a geek
  8. So good... Please update Dont Forget About Me soon!
  9. I'm really enjoying this fic... theres just something about it thats drawn me into it. Great work!
  10. My fav chapter of any of them. Great Job!!!
  11. twas great as usual jess... happy birthday!!! I hear your the best sister in the world (for spoiling me atleast!) Cant wait for my box sets!! And good fanfiction... cant believe i didnt snoop at all, good on me!!!
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