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Everything posted by katya

  1. Martha infuriated me today. "Can't you force her to talk?" Umm, yea, I'll just stick my hand down her throat and extract the words manually. The more I watch Martha these days the more I dislike her, and given that I've always disliked her it's fast turning into hate.
  2. Exactly! It's like asking someone if they're ok - generally that one question just opens the floodgates! Also, maybe she thought he was embarassed at showing so much emotion, and that hugging him would embarass him even more. I wish Cassie and Macca would leave town. I dislike them both and the undeniable chemistry between them makes me dislike them even more.
  3. Yea, I agree it was kinda odd that it didn't happen. I dunno, maybe to Mattie Ric isn't the kind of guy who would be comforted by a hug. I think her words meant more to him, and she could see that.
  4. Ummm...you should maybe check the rule on spelling and grammar. I don't mean to be a pain but you might get your head bitten off. Plus I have no idea what you just said Regarding the non-hug, I was waiting for one as well, but I kinda liked it when it didn't come. It reminded me of the scene between Sally and Rachel a few weeks ago just before Emily died when Sally was really upset and Rachel didn't hug her. It was like Rachel knew she wasn't really qualified to hug Sally because she hadn't known her that long and also because she wasn't around when the whole Flynn thing was happening.
  5. How adorable was the Mattie/Ric scene? I welled up and everything. Then I very nearly threw up at the sight of Amanda and Drew getting it on in the middle of the gym where anyone could walk in and see them. I'm sorry, but I detest this storyline, purely for the fact that it's absolutely unnecessary and it's also, quite frankly, disgusting to see Amanda get it on with her daughter's extremely recent ex after everything she went throught to establish a relationship with her in the first place. Can no one in Summer Bay control themselves?!!!
  6. I was so shocked when Ric walked in at the end, as I was expecting it to be Sally. That was a nice little twist. Surely if Cassie was really worried about being caught with Macca she would have taken him to her room instead of getting it on in the sitting room sofa?
  7. Thanks but it seems to have righted itself now. Typical that the moment I do something about it it sorts itself out I don't know about the logging in problem, mine seems to be fine at the moment.
  8. I hope someone can help me here. Whenever I want to quote something from a post I hit the quote button as usual but the quote doesn't appear. I know it's not a big deal to copy and paste but it's just kinda annoying. Is anyone else getting this or is it just me? Also, when I hit the quote button it jumps as if the page is being refreshed and takes me to the top of the page.
  9. I think Brad was brought in especially to be a future partner for Sally, which taints the relationship for me somewhat. I don't like the obviousness of it, and although I liked the Emily storyline, it felt more like a Sally/Brad storyline rather than an Emily/Brad storyline. In sayin this I do like the idea of Sally and Brad, but I think I'd like it even more if they hadn't had Emily die of cancer just like Flynn. God bless Flynn! He was one of my favourites, even before the whole cancer thing
  10. I agree Reo, he just went about it the wrong way I think, although he did act like a plank at the start of their relationship.
  11. Do you think we could get this thread pinned?
  12. I went to see a movie called Pan's Labryinth today, and it was phenomenal. It's set just after the Spanish Civil War, and is sort of a fairy story for adults, but it's extremely brutal. I really enjoyed it though, people should go see.
  13. I saw it the other night and I was pleasantly surprised. I only went to see it for the manliness that is Daniel Craig, but I ended up really enjoying it. It was quite gripping. I don't think that was a particularly good example of bad SPAG...she only abbreviated one word.
  14. My costume is awesome! I'm dressing up as a good witch and my friend's dressing up as a bad witch. I got loads of pink, purple and white tuille and cut it into strips and stapled it to some elastic. And voila! I have a big puffy skirt! Also I have a broomstick and a hat and purple tights. I'm so excited!
  15. I'm thoroughly bored actually. I was making my Halloween costume last night and I'm all excited. I've never made a costume before! How are you Liz?
  16. I've recently started using firefox instead of Internet Explorer and I much prefer it. I feel a bit more secure.
  17. Hey everyone. How are we all? Sorry to hear you've not been well Jess, I've been a bit poorly myself.
  18. I went to see Click. Was ok til the end. The end was a major cop-out.
  19. I know what you mean Cal. My best friend at school was off for ages because she had colitis, and one day I mentioned her and someone said "Isn't she dead?" It's madness. I hope you get your energy back soon though, remembe to take things slowly if you need to.
  20. I just had some toblerone...too good. Did you pull any nurses Cal?
  21. Hehe, I just approved you, of course I don't mind. Like I said earlier, my page is pretty dull though.
  22. Argh!!! Don't anyone look in the Big Tiits thread. I just did and my eyes nearly popped out of my head.
  23. www.myspace.com/katiemorag ETA - My page is fairly boring by the way.
  24. Hmmm...it would appear you're already my friend
  25. Cool . Wanna be my friend?
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