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Everything posted by katya

  1. Is Guevara (Clare) from this forum one of your friends?
  2. Hey Aaron...are you on myspace? I think I might have found your page but I'm not sure.
  3. Aww Willz, I'm sure some moderators and admins appreciated your comment
  4. I really really want to go buy some chocolate and a can of diet coke, but I'm afraid I'll get addicted again. I'm not even hungry or thirsty, it's just the taste I want. Argh, I'm horny for diet coke!
  5. I can feel my wisdom tooth coming through and it doesn't hurt! Even though I had to get a tooth removed to make room for it, it's a nice feeling to know that it isn't as bad as everyone implied it to be
  6. How cool is that?
  7. Snakes on a Plane! It was awesome. Sam Jackson is hot.
  8. I'm glad you had fun I'm ok, just been working away and saving up the pennies for my holiday. Nothing too exciting. Oh, apart from becoming dangerously obsessed with Big Brother! It's not good for me!
  9. Hey everyone. Jess, how was your holiday?
  10. Wow, I really like the new layout! It's very classy
  11. I'm really hungover and I'm being forced to tidy my room. Everytime I bend down my head goes all light and weird
  12. I just finished my second 9 hour shift in a row. My feet are so very sore
  13. Seriously? Private beaches?
  14. Hee hee hee I'm watching Eurotrash. How juvenile.
  15. Wow, what took you to Hong Kong in the first place?
  16. Where are you just now? I want to live in Dublin one day. I love the place despite it's extortionate cost of living.
  17. There's never anyone here to chat to . Makes me sad.
  18. Ah, but are you still here?
  19. I'm here
  20. I'm around. Anyone else?
  21. How tiny this little section looks without the Oldies or Golden Oldies...
  22. Have you got a day off then? I'm working a three hour shift tomorrow afternoon; completely pointless.
  23. I'm here now, but probably not for long as I can feel my eyelids getting heavy
  24. I found my passport! Phew. And it doesn't expire til next year. What a relief.
  25. I don't need it for another month but I think it might have expired by then. This is not good people.
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