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Everything posted by katya

  1. I can't wait either, it costs a friggin' fortune. My instructor's been on holiday for the past two weeks as well so I'm going to be so crap tomorrow.
  2. I'm planning to watch TV when something good comes, post on here, then go to bed early cos I have a driving lesson first thing in the morning I seriously can't be bothered with it.
  3. Argh, I'm so bored right now! Wednesday nights are crap.
  4. I'm just back, they didn't even ask! I feel terrible now, I've got an overdraft of £1,250 and I'm about £800 in it Even the lady in the bank looked shocked. But it means I can go on holiday, pay off my PC and pay off my credit card. So it's worth it really. I hope.
  5. Thanks. I'm gonna lie and say I'll be a student for another year so I get it interest free
  6. I need luck everyone! I'm going to the bank to ask if they'll extend my overdraft and increase it!
  7. NIghty night xx
  8. It'll be amazing experience though. I'm afraid I have to go though people, my boyfriend has decided, at this late hour, that he's coming down to stay the night, and I couldn't say no because that would hurt his feelings. Talk to you all tomorrow at some point.
  9. I'd freak out if someone asked me to do that. In fact, I wouldn't do it. I'd run away
  10. Well done I think there's some sort of secret way to get to world 4 and world 6 or 7, but I couldn't find it and gave up. I'm fine by the way, hows you?
  11. Hey aejdude Jess, that sounded really confusing to me.
  12. Yea, I was wondering where you were today. Can you say what the case is about?
  13. Hey Jess. What were you there for?
  14. I have a query. I'm parentless this week, as is my boyfriend, so I don't know who to ask. Anyway, the other day my mum's friend bought me gorgeous flowers for my graduation, but I don't know how often to water them and how much water to give them. I've given them loads so far but I'm scared I'll drown them. They're really pretty and I don't want them to die
  15. Nothin much either, am working at 4 But the parents go away on holiday tomorrow for a week, so I'm looking forward to having the place to myself
  16. That sucks. What have you been up to Penie?
  17. My sister and I used to fight like cat and dog, but ever since she moved out we get on really well. I would never recommend sisters sharing a room.
  18. I probably won't, but see you soon!
  19. I've missed it so many times this week because of work Look, Jess, I almost have 1000 posts!
  20. Howdy peeps. Am just home from work and I want to go to sleep too
  21. Actually, hold that thought. I'm gonna call it a night, I'm sleepy and I'm working at ten tomorrow . Goodnight all!
  22. What about Dave's mother?
  23. What's all this about a dove?
  24. The raccoons was awesome! "Run with us, We have everything you need, Run with us, We are free Run with us, I see the passion in your eyes Run with us!" Check this out!
  25. I used to love the turtles when I was young! My favourite was Michaelangelo
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