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Everything posted by shawtyy

  1. Awww poor Martha, I really don't like Dan.
  2. You're damn right we are! That was not fair! How could you do that to us?? You better update soon to make up for it. And did I mention... they sure as hell better kiss or I'll come after you. Just a friendly warning! Yeah you better! Great chapter, update soon!
  3. That was written really well! Update soon
  4. Awww that was great, update soon!
  5. This is a great, well written emotional chapter!
  6. Yay, loved it update soon!
  7. I wonder who it is, I really want to know. Update soon please.
  8. Great chapter, I am glad they haven't got back together straight away.
  9. I am looking foward to it Jackie!
  10. That was a great chapter. Can't wait for more.
  11. Aww poor Lucas and Matilda, can't wait for the next update!
  12. Yay I am soo happy! Megan is finally gone. Hope Martha and Jack work things out now.
  13. Awesome chapter, but why did you leave a big cliffhanger . Please update soon!
  14. Great chapter, I thougt Grace wasn't going to be Jacks, well the truth is going to be revealed soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
  15. Awesome chapter, can't wait to see how the fic ends!
  16. Awesome! Can't wait to see what Henry does.
  17. That was brilliant, update soon!
  18. Great chapter, update soon!
  19. Great chapter! Hope its not long before Megan is gone. Update soon.
  20. Yay, can't wait to see Jacks reaction. Update soon!
  21. Great chapter as usual! Piggies that was funny.
  22. I wouldn't put it past her. She'd probably turn on the charm like Amanda did in the show with Bert, and then Jack will think he's the dad I really wish that doesn't happen. Please don't make that happen bay girl *pretty please*. All I can do now is hope.
  23. Great, update soon!
  24. Great chapters! I am really looking foward to the paternity test results!
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