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Everything posted by shawtyy

  1. That was kinda the final chapter oh ok
  2. Aww that was great! I knew you wouldn't make anything happen to the baby. Update soon!
  3. I think you should make Martha come back, so that Jack doesn't have to suffer anymore! I can't wait fo more so please update ASAP!
  4. Great, update soon!
  5. Great chapter, update soon! Feel like punching Megan
  6. I thought there was an update, but there isn't!
  7. I am starting to feel sorry for Tasha and Jack now! Great writing Nicole, update soon!
  8. Just caught up! Serena died Great chapters update soon!
  9. Yay! Can't wait for the parternity test, then we can get rid of Megan at last
  10. Great! Martha you have to stay. Poor Jack! Update soon please
  11. Awesome wirting, can't wait for more.
  12. Great chapter, can't until Megan is out of this!
  13. I hope its not Matilda, great chapter!
  14. Great chapter, Its obvious Jack isn't Grace's father.
  15. Aww that was excellent, very emotional! Your are a brilliant writer, can't wait for the next sequel! I think the ending was great because it wasn't predictable.
  16. Great chapter! Hope Megan doesn't take advantage of the situation. Update soon!
  17. Just read the last few chapters, they are fantastic kase! Update soon.
  18. Great chapter, hope you get well soon Jackie!
  19. Poor Lucas, update soon!
  20. Great chapter! Wish Megan would get lost. Update soon!
  21. Great! Update soon!
  22. Great chapter, update soon!
  23. Awww an emotional chapter! Update soon.
  24. Awesome chapter. I am glad Lucas has seen sense but Ric needs to sort himself out! Henry is really evil, he just won't give up.
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