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ter06 last won the day on January 9

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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    Home and Away

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  6. Norman’s appearance on Ray’s This Is Your Life last week may have rekindled people’s fondness of him.
  7. You’ll always be number one to me Sal!
  8. Home and Away, even though quite far down 5’s highest rated shows, manages its highest audience share https://www.thinkbox.tv/research/barb-data/top-programmes-report
  9. It’s awful! I didn’t mind him when we had with Jasmine but since she’s left and he’s been lumped with Rose and Xander, he’s been painful!
  10. Have the ratings been published yet for Home and Away’s new afternoon time slot? Can’t find anything Edit: found them. Highest rated episode came in at no 30 on Channel 5’s ratings with 384,000 and a 13% audience share
  11. Will be interesting to see if there has been an increase in ratings this week with Neighbours gone. Will more people tune in as they still crave Aussie drama?
  12. I think the ratings will also go up once Neighbours ends. I have seen quite a few people say on Digital Spy saying they have started watching again as they want to continue watching an Aussie soap. Also, it’s 5*’s highest rated show. Why would they get rid of it?
  13. Five have announced H&A will move to the 1.45pm slot once Neighbours ends.
  14. They must have had an idea this was about to happen when they moved both shows. I can’t see them spending money on marketing H&A or doing a deal for it to air on the same day as Australia. Even if they had any interest in the show, which it does’t seem like they do, Seven’s scheduling is far too erratic. I think they are probably happy with the shows performance on 5* and will leave it plod along on there.
  15. Yes they could move it to Neighbours lunchtime slot and even do more to promote it as that will be a big gap in its lunchtime schedule.
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