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  1. Loz

    Hi Dan, hope things are going great for you. That avatar brings back memories! Can't believe it was nearly two years ago. Take care. x

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  2. Dan F

    Hey there, just thought I'd say hello and good to see you back :P

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  3. Let's just say there's no smoke without fire...
  4. Wonders how far one would have to suspend disbelief for Si-Co to seem 'innocent' on any level...
  5. And now it's back. I'm starting to understand how Irene felt when she was being mercury poisoned.
  6. Okay, who deleted my post?! Because I messed up the quoting, and edited it to make it right, and *then* someone deletes it. Grrrrr.
  7. Liz, I totally agree. And Jess, that's a scary thought. But it would be scarier if he were *capable* of executing any kind of revenge.
  8. Was SDA part of the BB thread?! I'd totally blanked that from my memory. Once he posted that I was hot, and that if he didn't have a girlfriend he'd ask me out. Or a wife. Or whatever. Hmmm.
  9. Me too, but only if they deserve it. My rule is never to pick on anyone weak, defenceless or blameless. Or hot. Unless I'm attempting reverse psychology.
  10. LOL. Believe me, I'm grateful for it!
  11. Spare a thought for me and Dan, that's all I can say on that topic.
  12. Mwahahaha. And Liz is right. Channel Five aren't as soft-porn as they used to be (Shannon Tweed was practically their patron saint for a while), but traditionally the channel has a split personality. Sappy TV movies by day, naked people by night, and news highlights on the hour. Sympathies to Si-Co. See, this is why I like being all coupled-up so much. Absolutely no pressure to pull, ever. Woo-hoo!
  13. What the? When innuendo turns bizarre and incomprehendable... Let's just say, I saw this documentary once about a South American man who had what you might call a double ender. Okay, he had *two*. And they showed it (them?) on camera. Serious 'ewww' factor. I think it was Channel Five. And Alex, yeah, I was getting you back. Because sometimes the Angie Russell adoration turns to imitation. Just for a second or two.
  14. Yeah, but remember our bitchfight from last year? Although we did make up and bond over our pathetic choice of partners and shared interest in Ally McBeal, I could never really get over her deceitful lies about Valk having a bigger lightsaber than me! Just kidding, but since she's not around much she might not want to take part this time round. Malicious lies?? How outrageous! If I was being malicious, I'd have said that Valk had one of those double-ended lightsabres. Like Darth Maul. Hmmm... when innuendo turns bad... But since I'm never around these days (due to my choice of partners bizarrely improving) I probably wouldn't make the best contestant. I'm totally up for a visitor's permit (a la Jess last year) from time to time though. Those parties were wild.
  15. Second dateless night in a row and I'm eating pre-prepared food from m&s. Be warned people, their 'cauliflower cheese' tastes like something the devil would serve at dinner. And not in a good way. But their beef stew with dumplings is quite pleasant.
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