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Everything posted by bubblepop

  1. Thank you Palmer for giving me the episode numbers. Ive seen Darcy meet Brax when he was in hospital. She drew him a little picture. Then he brought her a surfing board for her birthday present. That is as far as Ive seen Im going to catch up with the whole storyline though, hopefully with the repeats today. Brax would make a great father, I wish that he was her real dad. I know who the dad is (the second youngest brother), he is very hot, I hope that he develops a bong with his little girl.
  2. Hi Palmer. Im not much of a newbie and have been posting on and off. Ive watched H&A religiously between 2002-2005, then I stopped watching and would watch episodes here & there. I just loved the good old days of H&A. I started to watch again when I saw that Will had come back with his daughter Lily (another little cutie!) and then I was just watching H&A the other week, saw this little doll with adorable dimples and Im interested to watch for her character. Ive always enjoyed watching child characters/the little ones on soaps as well as movies, if they stay permanently you watch them grow as a actress & that's nice to see, I think H&A definetly needed more kids in the 9-14 age range to bring some innocence into the show so im really glad they casted Lily, Darcy & VJ even though he a little older then them. I hope they all become good friends.Back in the day, we had Kirsty, Jade,, Nick. Then Matilda who was came at 13 and left the show at 17. How many episodes has Alara O Shea(Darcy) been in so far? I hope I haven't missed much. I am loving the father-daughter relationship, I like to see Darcy with her dad more then her mum Im from the UK by the way, what about you?
  3. Darcy is a sweetheart, a great little actress. I look forward to seeing more scenes of her with her parents.
  4. Omg that is what I was thinking too. Both Romeo and Kim are the hottest guys to ever grace H&A tall and handsome young men!
  5. I love Romeo he is so hot and adorable! he is the kind of guy that makes you blush.
  6. omg your avatars are so beautiful especially Belle ones! I sent you a PM for a request
  7. 28 years later, mirrors and boy in striped pyjamas....personally preffered boy in striped pyjamas
  8. Thank you so much for that! i was trying to look at the clip over and over again to figure out what song it was but it was really hard
  9. I loved the song that played when Joey started dancing ontop of the boat "it goes something like do you want to pick it up, yes i want to pick it up................. Whats the musician name?? and who played that song??? I would be very happy if anyone knows!
  10. Does anyone miss them? i thought they were a great family. Very interesting to watch although the whole family was a bit crazy, Dani, kirsty, Jade, Rhys and Shelly annoyed the hell out of me but i guess thats what i enjoyed about them
  11. I'm a kk fan too but i loved dani! she may have been spoilt at the beginning, but it was reasonable towards the end. I mean if your sister went with your rapist then you wouldn't exactly be welcoming them with open arms!
  12. Ollie is the most gorgeous, cutest and talented kid actor i've ever seen on H&A! his golden locks make me melt. He looks like he should be in hollywood!
  13. Ohh i see what the differences between brushes and texture is now . So brushes are like "effects" just as you can add light to the avatar thats an effect right ? I thought brushes were tiny pictures
  14. Pretty! can i ask you know those brushes you added. What exactly are brushes? i never under stood what they were but i know what they look like are brushes supposed to be backgrounds?
  15. hey mar! Thanks for the recent eps! and love the craft thing your really talented!

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  16. Im thirsty but cant be bothered to go up and get a drink from the kitchen too lazy
  17. Ive heard of Robbie Williams that must be really cool living in his hometown!, I wish I lived near someone famous
  18. I moved from Canada to the US, so Im living in LA in the moment in an appartment block , where do you live?
  19. Ive gone addicted to this site after finding it, its a good forum, but I cant believe how many posts I made in one day its 2:10pm here, in the US, Ive been up very early in the morning but taking breaks till now. Jeh-jeh you have been on for quite long too
  20. sorry to here that, it looks like a good forum, im going to join later
  21. I have no, one on Msn, now because most of my friends are from different countries, I have loads on IM, though some of them are really strange, one guy makes poetic rhymes all the time to me.
  22. I know, its really annoying Im trying to search to find episodes that carried on from there, US soaps are not really interesting.
  23. Sunny weather today, very hot, and in LA especially!, im going to the beach in a while
  24. Hello guys, Im new here. Its very sunny weather today, and Im listening to some music
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