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  1. u rock !!!

    thanx for all the episodes your really amazing !!!

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  2. Fanx for the latest videoes your a star

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  3. Swan Princess II......First one was wayy better hehe =)
  4. Saw 3.....and Damn were there some gruesome parts...I have to admit i liked Saw 2 better for some reason, but Saw 3 was almost just as good
  5. Hi Everyone =D and how are we all? I'm in a good mood for once, had an awesome training session and just bought my new phone =D Also in about 30 minutes, home and away is about to start and i hope it makes me laugh. The episodes are so funny lately
  6. Whats up everyone? I'm so tired/bored
  7. HIIIIIIIIII everyone =) I woke up about an hour ago and played with my neice. I'm excited =) Buying a new phone the white chocolate phone after I sell my D600. woooooo ^^ I'm going to be so broke though because i just bought a ring for my friend and that costs a bit. I'm so broke =(
  8. United 93 - Pretty depressing and interesting Click - makes you think about life in a different way
  9. Stay Alive =)
  10. Step up and re-watched Take the Lead
  11. Silent Hill.....some parts were pretty yuck -.-"
  12. I wacthed RENT last night. Great musical
  13. wow, so young...Happy Birthday to her
  14. Hoodwinked <- I love the turtles..
  15. 14 right now =)
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