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    I want to be an actress and I also love making sites

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  1. Thanks for adding me Isabella :D

    and yep, my sites are back :D glad u missed them!

    and I see your Isabel site is still running smoothly, which is great to see!

    Keep up the good work xx

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  2. Hi Bloom :)

    Added you as a friend;)

    I noticed that your sites are back again, which is great :D Missed them while they where gone lol

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  3. I worte to Jessica Tovey in April, and still no reply... how long does it take her to reply for the UK?
  4. Thanks VERY much!
  5. Hey, does anyone know the episode number where Belle told Amanda she might as well be dead, after the whole Drew thing? Belle said 'You might as well be dead to me, cos as far as I'm concerned, I don't have a mother.'
  6. I just wrote to Jessica Tovey, I mentioned this stuff: Wishing her good luck to win at the Logies, and told her she deserves it Telling her I love having her on the show She's an awesome actress Told her about my website about her Asked her for a fancard I also wrote a few questions down that I would love if she could answer Don't try too hard to think of what to say to them, just go with the flow. It wasnt very hard for me to write to Jessica
  7. Yeah, Jessica has a fansite by me, but nothing official. Sharni doesnt either Holly Brisley Tim Campbell Paul O'Brien those are the current cast that have official sites as far as I know PS Izzy - sometimes Isabel Lucas is called 'Isabella Lucas' and her nickname is Izzy too
  8. emails? I thought the cast didnt have email addresses? at least none fans could get anyway...?
  9. whats the address to marks myspace?
  10. ur so lucky you met them! What's Nic like?
  11. I have a signed fancard fron Nic Bishop, I wrote about 2 pages in the letter and asked him some questions, but he just signed the card to me and didnt write back, which is okay, he must be overloaded with mail, and he has a baby too. I might try writing to him again... I LOVE th fancard though, I was so happy when i got it! I love the photo of himself that he use
  12. That was hilarious! great job lilone! and the ending SHOCKED ME!
  13. If there was, I would have filled up Nicholas' inbox by now I think there is an email address, but I'm not sure. it was posted somewhere on another HAA forum, i'll see if I can find it for you!
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