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    Brisbane, Australia
  • Interests
    Tv, movies, gossip, sleeping, chocolate and more of the like!!

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  1. Sweeeeeeeet thanx a million Dom
  2. Ok my wonderful artists I am very requestful I know... (not a word I know also!) but I'm looking for any avatars of Johnny mmmmm thankies =)
  3. Thanks everyone for replying I am very grateful! I just came on here quickly so I will have a proper look another time. I love ALL your work flora, zetti and bttb-rox!
  4. Hello my artists! I would love if anyone would care to make me some Sam (Tolhurst) avatars, I can't seem to find many for some reason (perhaps due to lack of interest in her ) Anyhows that would be great, thank you in advance.
  5. Today I watched "Outlaw" and "Meet the Robinsons" which were both pretty good. Then watched Charlie & Choc Factory and Evolution just for laughs.
  6. Ooooh I'm envious I miss those days Instead I spend my days listening to crazy old bats telling me what to do and me doing the opposite!!! Ok not quite but anyway... I do a lot of daydreaming about procrastinating
  7. Heheh and the episode when they thought that the whole time they were in a game and they wake up to find themselves to be the complete opposite to himself - Cat was so UGLY but it was absolutely hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! (I hope you know which episode I am talking about, I'm not always very good at descriptions lol!) Anyways goodnight for now
  8. Really! I'm surprised that they have him back on their show!! Okay well I can't wait to watch the rest of the episodes now you got me curious! Another thing of Cat's that annoyed me was his bling and his highly reflective clothing you sometimes need sunglasses to look at him Anyhows I need to go to bed its late here. Thanks for the chat it was nice
  9. Yes I heard about them making a movie but it seems its going to take forever and probably a lot of money Also the actor who plays Lister, wasn't he on an English soapie? Yes Cat does get better, I have to agree he was a little irritating at the start.
  10. I got them from off the net but will have to start burning them on to DVD's soon! Just moved house so haven't finished watching Season 7. I would have to say Kryten is my favourite followed by Lister and Rimmer has some awesome one liners. Holly is also pretty cool. I think I just love them all
  11. Heheh! Yes its one of my favourites, I still have to watch the last season yet.
  12. Oh yeah I have seen some episodes of that it is pretty good. Some others I enjoy are Red Dwarf, The Young Ones and Black Adder Are you more of a drama/action person?
  13. Ok someone please tell me why don't we get more English comedy on Australian TV rather than crap boring American so called 'comedy'. The only comedy I can stand that is American at the moment is "How I Met Your Mother" and another one made by the Wayans bro's (forgotten the name). I like to watch the old school comedies that they have an hour or so on Saturday nights on Channel 7 like "Are You Being Served?" and "George and Mildred" hehe. Anyone else agree/disagree?
  14. Nice work mods
  15. Last night I watched Final Destination 3 and Rest Stop. Both were poor. Tonight we watched An Inconvenient Truth. Nothing new there that I didn't already know although I wish Gore talked more about Australia's stats with climate change because they are quite bad.
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