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Everything posted by loobieloo

  1. Now Shan, I have been lurking in this thread and reading the chapters as they are posted, but I'm seriously lazy and haven't gotten round to commenting yet. But I shall now. I love it all! Lol all I can say You're turning me into a Sarah and Emily fan..... But yeah, updatee soonie
  2. I do miss them! Those two are my favourite, they're very very prettyfull . I haven't been on here for so long you've done so much!
  3. Ooh Cassie makes a decision... I hope she keeps it. This story is getting really good, i love your writing. Update soon please x
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  5. I loved that, I hope you do decide to write more. I'd love to see where this goes
  6. Dont worry about updating, only do it when you have the time. I know what its like to be busy and have people nagging you to update lol. And I hate coursework, I'm suprised you haven't died of boredom from it
  7. That chapter was great. I feel so bad for Jack, I hope Martha remembers Jack, Although I think it will be Corey she will remember, No complaints there though
  8. Fabuloso! Loved it! More soon please
  9. Yeah, I do rock Fab Stuff "Jamey-Maria" hehe It's soooo cute!
  10. that was fantastic! a great read this early in the morning lol. well done
  11. I didn't know he was that old!!! Happy birthday anyway Bobby. Is it just me or whenever someone says bobby morley it makes me think of bab marley
  12. I so want them to argue and all that before they get back to normal, it will be more fun
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  14. That made me laugh more than bay girls "linger" And it cheered me up lmao!
  15. Yeah I had that image too! And I laughed when it said she took off hr thong lmao! I was thinging huh? LOL! When I realised what it actually meant it made me laugh so much!
  16. lol Actually, reading it again, it does make sence, it was probaby just me being slow
  17. haha! I loved it! I found it unbelieveably funny, and I do have to admit I thought the spider was the criminal. I was wondering weather martha could hear the spider or not and if she could why she didn't find it strange lol. and I was wondering how a spider could hold a knife or a gun haha! great fic though, its a shame its a oneshot
  18. I love these, can I just ask where did you get the origional picture for these?
  19. Great stuff Cant wait for the next chapter... whenever that may be
  20. Fantastico! So great!
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  22. The second Martha and Jack one is my favourite
  23. I like the kim one, simple yet lovely
  24. Great chapter, cant wait for more
  25. The lightning one is good, but shouldnt it be "lightnin'" to be the shortened version? I think you've missed out an "N"
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