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Everything posted by loobieloo

  1. love love LOVE The Robbie and Kim ones!
  2. The last one is fantastic
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  4. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. I really want to know hoe your mocks went.... I hope they were good, mine start tomorrow Jesus! Take your time, hope your room looks totally spiffing when its done!
  5. They are great, just abit fuzzy lol. I love the third one
  6. The Cassie and Ric one is my fave, good job
  7. Yeah me too
  8. Great chapter, can't wait for the next update, hope its a reaaaaaaaaally long
  9. im being lazy, so what she said^^^^ It was fab, cant wait for more
  10. lol sorry couldn't help but laugh, can't wait till they meet, lol, I can just imagine how horrible Martha's going to be now that she knows who he is, . Some how I think I'm the only one who's found the funny side of that chapter. but I do feel sorry for Jack, it must be hard for him. Great update. I couldn't help bout laugh either! I agree with what you've said Dolly! I can't stop laughing!!!! Hahahahahahahaha! Can you imgine how funny that would be, a person you hated, and you found out you were married to them! Ahh my sides hurt. Cant ait for the next chapter, something tells me they will argue.
  11. That set is gorgeous! Would you mind if I used them on HAAC? I would credit and upload
  12. I love the first Isabel one Jen!
  13. *rolls eyes*
  14. Lol love the chrimbo ones
  15. I just caught up on the last few chapters and I am abit slower then everyone else but I wanna say Yipee! Jack's back lol. How cute are them chiddlers? Cant wait for more
  16. I think if you go on the seven website, its on there where to write to
  17. The latest ones : 2nd and 5th are my faves, great work
  18. I love these! And you can just call me Laura
  19. I love the second banner too! Can I just ask how you made the outlines on the first one pink?
  20. Thanks for the update , it was great as usual I have my mocks too, Im really scared lol
  21. I love the new ones, good work
  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  23. What she said Im being lazy! Reading this story allways makes m ethink of Pokemon now
  24. I think it'd e cool to know a different language to put it in my sig. Is Welsh aloud? Lol but can you imagine te confusion if I started postin in Welsh
  25. Yeah, the first one is my fave too, but they ae both fab
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