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Everything posted by loobieloo

  1. Nicole, I want an update Ive waited for ageeeeeeeees Please, you know you want to
  2. Was it Alf to someone?
  3. Fab chapter, update now very very soon please
  4. Ok I was allready crying tonight but now I'm literally unconsolable. My mums shouting into my room to me to ask if im ok This is one of the deepest and well writen J+M stories I have read so well done I ts so sad the way Martha knew Jack so well, she knew he would go looking into the kid's chests Ok I'm crying writing this lol hehe I need to stop, I meen its only a story. Then again its a very very very sad story so I can cry abit longer Crying is good for you, after you cry you allwways feel better Cant wait for more update soon please.
  5. Ive just bopped in
  6. OMG I am aout to cry.. But fab chapter, update now soon
  7. Great Chapter Can't wait for more
  8. Absalutely brilliant chapter Your a fantastic writer, well done More more more please
  9. Awww fab chapter! Im really sad now Can't she come back More soon please x
  10. Gawd, finally!!! hehe We've been waiting for this moment for so long it was so cute Cant wait for more
  11. Hehe you can call me Laura
  12. Argh no! The end But I'm sure your next fic will be fab too, I can't wait!
  13. Fab chapter, hope the picnic goes ok! I bet they will have it on the cliffs too, where the baby was concieved Anyway more soon please x
  14. Awwww totally luvin it! More soon please
  15. I absolutely love this fic I read it over about 10 times Its so fab! Can't wait for more!
  16. Awwwwww Mia my fave name How cute was that chapter! I kept sayin awww to meself then More soon please Its fab!
  17. Wow! Great fic, I love it! Can't wait for more
  18. Haha sian you make ma laugh!!! Yeah I loved that bit about the kisses too, so cute more more more please
  19. Awww I thought you had updated then cant wait till Sunday then
  20. That was kinda the final chapter oh ok But never fear!!! There may be a sequal!!! But I'm only sayin may now cause I don't know for definate
  21. That was kinda the final chapter
  22. Mwahahahahahahahaha!!! I like being evil!!! Anyways she can't look perfect all the time
  23. I got all excited then thinking you had updated Soon please I can't wait to see who the father is
  24. Fab chapter, can't wait for the next x
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