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Everything posted by loobieloo

  1. Oh no, poor Macca and Ray, poor Martha! Ihate Megan, She's a b!tch! I really hope Martha and Jack get together soon *hint hint* Great chapter can't wait for the next x
  2. Wow! That was a very loooong and well written chapter well done! This fics fab, I can't wait for the next chapter x Edit: Next Chapter- Will they find Tash before it's too late? (Hopefully not) << haha that made me laugh!
  3. Ok, they can't stay apart for much longer can they?? I hope not!!! How pregnant is Martha? Sorry I was just wondering. Great chapter, update soon please x x
  4. Oh no he did not just do that! He is so cruel how could he do that to her? Grrrr I'm starting to hate Jack right now! Great chapter though pleeeeease write more son I can't wait to find out what will happen!
  5. What she said
  6. Fab chapter, I really feel the need to say haha suck on that Megan!!! Awww I'm so glad that Marthas family have come to see her! Can't wait till the next chapter , updae soon please x
  7. Awww the end of that chapter was sooo cute! I can't stand Megan she makes me soo angry I'm suprised Martha kept her cool for so long Update soon please x
  8. Hahahahaha! I found that really funny, they tried so hard to kep it a secret Write more soon please x
  9. Awwww I loved that chapter. Update soon please its fab!
  10. Great chapter, love the way you used the song, when I read this I just had to put the song on Write more soon please...x
  11. YEY!!!!! Ilove this fic, you are a fab writer! Pritty-please let Martha and Jack get back together!! Update soon please........I really can't wait, can't you update again now?
  12. Ok, I,m writing the next bit now so it should be up tomorrow morning.....x
  13. Haha! I came back on here and I was like huh? wheres the bit where I was writing!
  14. I can't believe your making me wait till tomorrow for the next chaopter of your fic! So mean!!!
  15. Haha! I'm very good at the mo to be honest 'cause I have just been out and bought loads of chocolate and I'm eating it as i type. I seriously am going to end up being fat at this rate!
  16. YEY!! Someone cares!!!! Ok I'll stop that now So how are you then? Nitey-Nite, have a good sleep x
  17. I'm on here now aswell If anyone cares.
  18. Great chapter! can't wait for more, update soon please!
  19. I've just read the whole of his fic and I would just like to say....It's fantastic!!!! Please update soon.......x
  20. Is anyone on here now? I am very bored as usuall
  21. Is there any point in me writing anymore? 'Cause if no one is reading it then I wont bother lol.
  22. Its not dead! And you never know, they may have made a mistake! but then agan they may not have!
  23. I'm ok but very hot because me and my mum have jus been doing a workout!
  24. Yey!!!!!!!! I'm not alone!!! How are you then?
  25. Heya everyone is anyone on here now?
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