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Jack and Martha 4eva

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Everything posted by Jack and Martha 4eva

  1. That was so good, I love that name Laila and I would spell it with an 'i' too. lol. Hmm, you better not take her away from Martha or anything, just pure fluff, that's what I say You're a great writer and this is my favourite fic on here I wasn't too sure if you were going to update today because sometimes you don't at the weekend but you did and it made my day Please update ASAP Em xx
  2. Yey, it's a girl. That was so good, you are such a good writer. You did brilliantly and you updated before I have to go out. Perfect timing I want some more right now Update ASAP Em xx
  3. OMG I just read all of it in one go. It took me about 3 hours to read and all i can say is. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! That was incredible, the writing is so good. I was crying towards the end. It was heart-breaking. I absoloutely agree with you, I just can't believe that when I start reading it you finish it I will just have to read your other fics instead That was brilliant, well done Em xx
  4. BOY OR GIRL????????????????? I want to know and I want to know NOW!!!! But I can tell that you're not gonna tell me right now, so I can just plead for you not to keep me in suspense for too long coz it will kill me. Jack better get there indeed otherwise Martha will not be a very happy girl Haha, imagine if Martha found out that she was having twins. That would be so funny . This is brilliant, don't keep me waiting for too long and update ASAP. Like right now Great writing Em xx
  5. They are so adorable I can't wait until their wedding, it's gonna be fabby :D I hope Indi survives longer than the wedding and she doesn't die suddenly, that would be really sad Update ASAP Em
  6. What she said, but the baby WILL be Jack's and than they can live happily ever after. *Looks Hopefully* We all know that Jack and Martha are meant to be This is great writing, and as I'm not feeling very well I think to cheer me up you should update right now xx
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  8. Thank you so much for updating. I've just been to the dentist and my teeth are killing me, so it's really cheered me up. You are such a good writer!! Update ASAP Em xx
  9. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was crying when I read this, and you said that you're not a very good writer. Yer course you're not. LOL The video was so nice, and just made me cry more. I hate it when Martha or Jack die in fics. It's just so sad. But then I'm kind of doing that in my own fic. O wells. LOL. I'm sure that I'll get over it. I would usually put now update soon, but it's a one shot, so I won't. I'll just ramble instead. LOL Great writing hunni. Em xx
  10. I agree with you 100% Jack such a caring husband. He really would do anything for Martha. Hmmmm I wonder what they're going to call their little baby. Great writing. Please, please update ASAP Em
  11. OMG so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Piggies" so funny LOL! Make sure that Grace isn't Jacks, but somehow I think that she will be Jacks. Make them happy. Just wondering when is Martha's bub due?? Great writing. Update ASAP xx
  12. OMG!!!!!!! It's fabby. You tell her Jack. Stupid Megan, at least Jack put her in her place. Martha get back with Jack and whatever you don't go back to the farm. This is great writing. Please update ASAP. xxxxx
  13. Tasha you should be called Trasha. I completely agree! Hurry up and update ASAP. You can't leave it on a cliffhanger for very long.
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO How could you? Why do you want to hurt Jack so much? Maybe as it's not the end Martha will come back and they can live happily ever after. *Face lights up* I definitely think that you should do that. There had to be one happy Jack and Martha fic. You're a great writer. You have me gripped, please update ASAP.
  15. OMG this is sooooooo good. Please update as soon as you can!
  16. This is fab!! Please update again soon and get Jack and Martha back together.
  17. this is great, pleasse update soon
  18. I hope it's all alright, plz update soon
  19. please update soon it's really fantastic
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