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Everything posted by xsamie

  1. I just finished watching Ripper, man it's was freaky.
  2. This story is really great! I can't wait to see what Lucas says to Drew! Please update very soon!
  3. Beautiful work Jen! I love the one of Rachel.
  4. I love the second one, aw Pete looks so sad. Great new creations ilovejason.
  5. I love the ones of Jodi and Indiana they are beautiful. The one of Indiana and Jessica is great too.
  6. Great chapter as always.
  7. I just got a letter and a signed fan card of Amy yesterday! Whoo
  8. I like the second one of Macca the best.
  9. When A Stanger Calls - I loved it but hated the ending, thbey should have done something better.
  10. Wow that was a amazing chapter as always.
  11. Great chapter.
  12. I really, really, really hope it isn't Henry that dies, great chapter.
  13. Great chapter as always.
  14. Poor Rhys and Indiana, I felt so sorry for them and it was really nice how you ended that chapter. I love that you finally gave Nick and Sarah a good scene. This is a great story Shannon and I love it.
  15. That Drew one it hot.
  16. Fear- but it was crap.
  17. I love this it's awsome.
  18. I loved it, it's such a shame its ended. You have done such agreat job on it.
  19. Zoe was one of the best characters to come on that show, I think that at least and then when she left she got the most explosive (no pun intended) exit.
  20. Ha ha i was grumpy and reading this made me laugh so much and now i can't get the smile on my face.
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  22. Im getting a scanner soon so i dont mind showing them on here, but first i have to save up for one. I want to get a really good one though so it may take a couple of weeks.
  23. I hope it isn't Matilda.
  24. Brilliant as always, lol Henry's nose.
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