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Everything posted by RobbiefanDonelle

  1. Oh no! That's not good Chris! I hope you feel better soon! Being bored sucks. I would be roleplaying but haven't found many people for the H&A one. So Im not.
  2. I'm VERY bored. How are you Chris?
  3. Hey all. How's everyones Saturday???
  4. Happy Birthday princess-in-pink!! You like Prison Break as well! That's awesome! Welcome to BTTB Livvy! How is everyone? I am just VERY Bored at the moment
  5. Wasn't Take the Lead great? I was mesmerised by it! And HSM wasn't too bad either, I was surprised I liked it.
  6. Hey, How are you? Hey, I'm not too bad. How are you?
  7. That's good Dean. I'm not too bad. I didn't have anything to do, so I came on to see what's going on. Hmmm I'm still looking for people who will be interested in my H&A role-play.
  8. How is everyone today??
  9. The first Pirates of the Carribbean last night. I have it on DVD.
  10. And addictive too once you start! What are dream city & dream family? I've never heard of them.
  11. Exactly. I have a habit in making up characters who is someone in the shows sister. I don't think any show is safe!
  12. Same with me! I'm an original character in this H&A RP. That's my whole reason why making it. Although I love the main characters, I sometimes don't feel comfortable playing them. Like I don't think I will be good enough as them.
  13. Holly, six other rp's? Wow, I'm only in one! (that's not including the H&A one, because it hasn't started yet)
  14. Bye Drew.
  15. Holly, yes I do have a H&A rp, it's fairly new, all the characters are available. The link is in my sig. Drew, well goodluck! I hope you find someone.
  16. Oh no! That's not good. I would help, but I'm better at dealing with original characters. I don't have much imagination at the moment anyways! I hope you find someone though. Have you heard of role-playing?
  17. I am around too. How is everyone?
  18. summabay, how was school? I'm not too bad. I've just been fixing my characters journal for my home and away role-play and making icons.
  19. Yep, I'm still about. I had to go out for a bit. But now I am back.
  20. Morning everyone!
  21. I love some sports, can't say I love all!
  22. Ohhh you're from Manchester, cool. Well I love it, it's my no.1 spot followed by tennis. Pam, I don't really understand Rugby.
  23. Hi Jackie. Not too bad. Afternoon is going pretty slow that's all. I'd like to role-play but no-body's on because of time-difference *sigh* Does anyone here like footy? (AFL)
  24. Afternoon everyone. Just seeing what's going on. There's not much to do! A typical Sunday arvo!
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