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    i love chiks, skateboarding, rugby, guitar, chillin, parties, swimming, tv, movies, music, beach,

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Member (5/12)



  1. ive had a minor cold for about a month now. its getting sooo annoying
  2. matty92

    All Saints

    It wasn't HIV though, it was a needle with blood from a patient infected with Hepatitis C
  3. Blades of Glory.. so funny
  4. Its almost midday and I only just woke up I love the holidays.
  5. im still up but Im going to bed soon cause its nice and warm in there and its cold out here
  6. Schools out. Lets paaaaaartay!!!
  7. Im here, but im nobody, so nobody is here?
  8. I didnt even know there was a board game! I saw the Desperate Housewives board game for like $10 at Big W I think it was
  9. Hey people I'm bored. I was swatching the cricket but that just got way to boring
  10. So wierd. I thought all schools were the same xcept for privates. For mine, Yr 7, 11, 12 go on Tuesday - and Yr 8, 9, 10 go on Weds.
  11. just after 10am
  12. me to. I should probaly get dressed, lol
  13. I go back on Tuesday or Wednesday its weird some years start tues and others start weds
  14. it's dam hot here. well not that hot but getting warm. its good beach/pool wether if my msn starts working i may organise something
  15. I suddenly dont feel like dinner
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