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Everything posted by saraz

  1. Wow tele, this is an interesting twist in the story. I was sure that Roman rang one of the boys like Jacko. I can't believe that Angelo is Romans handler and he was so cool about Angelo hanging around the house when he was hiding out in the stables. Please update soon and make it that Roman gets out and can go back to his family without a hassle from Angelo. Thanks Sarah x
  2. Omg! Mike knows now. Yay! I was worried that Mike was being followed by whoever is after the family/Roman. I can't wait to see what happens next. Will Mike tell Roman that Ella thinks she is pregnant? How will Ella explain her pregnancy to the family? Love your writing. Sarah
  3. wow! I loved the interaction between roman and the his men. i liked how they were teasing him with how happy ella and the kids are. i want more tele and i would like some fluff. I want roman to go back to the family and protect them. roman has 8 kids under 15 years that need him and don't forget his grandchildren and his 1 great grandchild. Update soon please, Sarah
  4. Oh my god Tele, that was wonderful and I can't believe that Roman is in witness protection and has not been tempted to go home to his wonderful family. Will he ever be able to reunited with his family but if not will he able to go watch over them from a distance. Is he maybe going to find William? I want and need to read more of this story. I know you have already updated 3 times in such a short period of time but I would love another chapter soon. Thanks Sarah
  5. Tele, thank you for answering all my questions. I am sad of how this family has changed so much in 1 year. I hope they realise that they need each other in this time of crisis. I want danni and mike back together. Please make it a happy ending for the whole family. Will this story be a more light and fluffy storyline or a deep, dark and mournful storyline. Sarah
  6. What can I say Tele? WOW!!! that was so powerful and it was nice to see everyone missing Roman but thinking about all their memories of him. I am hooked already on this story as well as all you others. Over the past month have gone back and read all the other stories related to this one. I hope you never give up writing about this wonderful family. So I now have questions for you: What has happened to William? Did they catch him? Did Roman die instantly? Has Mike and Danni gotten married? Has the stables been built? Has everytime stood still since Roman died? How old are the kids all now? You don't need to answer all my questions as long as they are answered over the next couple of chapters. Thanks Sarah
  7. so tele, i'm jealous that 1. i can't write like you and 2. that ella has roman and all her wonderful kids and she is happy. I can't wait for the next chapter but was wondering who is James married to? Thanks Saraz
  8. Hi tele, I think my brain is failing but is mike and danni still getting married? Will you be writing a new story for this? Has amy-belle had her baby yet? Is she keeping it? Is gabby going to have her baby soon? Is the tension between Jacob and the rest of the family gone?
  9. Hi, I am loving this fan fiction but can you please tells how old each of the kids are at this point of the story? Thanks Sarah
  10. Hey, is gabby pregnant with Jacobs baby? If so I feel sorry for her and the family.
  11. wow I love this, I want to know more. Is Aden the father of the baby? please update soon.
  12. hey, i am loving this fan fiction. is nicole and aden together? is belle and liam together? did belle go to rehab? please update soon sarah
  13. i am loving this fic and got excited as i thought you updated but it only says chapter 11
  14. omg belle is larry's daughter this means that aden and belle are half brother and sister i'm intrigued what you do next please update soon
  15. love the fic and can't wait for an update is belle pregnant???? as she is acting really weird and moody please update soon
  16. wow that was well written and i liked how she has let aden in to help her. i loved how caring aden is towards her and how no matter what she does he seems like he won't give up on her. thank you for that chapter and please update soon with the rest of the conversation
  17. loved the chapter and didn't want it to finish please update soon so i can read about the wedding
  18. loved the chapter please update soon
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