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Everything posted by freakybuffy

  1. The Twilight Saga: New Moon Saw it 3 times yesterday and it's amazing! caan't wait till it comes out on DVD and roll on 9th July for Eclipse.
  2. Transformers 2.
  3. Cheers i'll have to check it out. I'm dying to see the episode where they get together again. I love the bit when Tommy say's "She's my girl" Can't wait till it comes out on DVD.

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  4. I just think he should of made sure she wasn't in the house before leaving after Angelo. Or at least shouted her to see if she'd answer. I forgot about that one. The kiss on the top of his head I thought he said something like the courts postponded it untill after his exans. Thats why I didn't understand why they didn't start in a few weeks time. Maybe I missunderstood what he said, I'll have to watch the episode again. Yes, I'm loving the way they have changed roles. It's going to be great to see the caring Aden back. Not to mention his anger towards Angelo. . After watching the spoilers I'm 99% sure that Angelo has something to with the toxic dump site, not sure what tho. Did we even find out what the SBJ ment about Angelo, as I'm thinking that could be why he became so invloved with Belle so fast. I'm looking forward to seeing who it was who beat her up, also is this how she fines out the bad news, that I read about in the spoilers.
  5. I don't understand Aden in tonight’s Aus episode. Knowing how angry Angelo was, shouldn't he be more concerned about Belle rather than going after him. I get why he chased after him, but I think he should have at least made sure she was ok first. Mind she would of talked him out of going. I loved the first scene tonight when Aden was trying to study and Belle walked up behind him and put her hands around him, telling him to come too bed. Can someone help me fill in the blanks? Aden postponed him community till after his exams. So why did he have to start it today! Shouldn’t he have another 1 ½ before he starts! I can’t believe a clip of tomorrow’s episode isn’t up on the seven website. I was hoping we’d see Aden talking Belle to hospital.
  6. After just watching last nights AUS episode, I love Adelle even more. Have I missed something tho,
  7. Isn't Instant star great! I didn't think anyone on here liked it either. I've got seasons 1-2 on DVD. I've been trying to find season3 online somewhere. It's bugging the hell out of me! As I really want to see the episode where they are his old school and the church. Have you seen season 4 yet? Gutted on how it ended!

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  9. Amy I LOVE IT!
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  11. Ekk I really can't wait! They are all amazing! I can't pick a favourite! Roll on
  12. I love these! Great job. Are you editing the picture twice for 2 different affects them using paint, cropping and placing them together! As thats how i'd do it!
  13. Right... I think I know how you do them! I was just wondering how you can have 2 pic's in one AV! You've got to love paint!
  14. Wow Amy love you latest stuff. Are you still using Picnik? I love the McDean one, just 17 more days to go
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  17. Don't ask me why in this order but I've watched Star Wars episode VI Star Wars episode V Star Wars episode IV Star Wars episode III Star Wars episode II
  18. Star Wars Episode VI.
  19. All I know it is takes between 7-10 to arrive in AUS. So we are going to be waiting at least 2 1/2 weeks before getting a reply. I'm writing to Paul and Jodi next.
  20. I sent my letter off a week ago so they should be arriving in H&A HQ any day now! I hope I don't have long to wait! But I guess I'll have to wait and see.
  21. It's ok, I'm glad you found one you liked! :)

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  22. Thay are great Amy I really love 5 and 8. And congratz on the Artist of the Month! http://backtothebay.net/features/the-bttb-art-scene.shtml
  23. I'm not sure whether this is something I've seen or I'm just making it up, but it's bugging me so I thought I'd ask! It’s a strange question, but did someone have a go at Irene for dying her hair when was pregnant? Cheers!
  24. Try this http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trk...+away+fan+cards and this seller http://shop.ebay.co.uk/merchant/neighbours...QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ Will send to UK you just have to send a message to ask how much. The last one I brought a few weeks ago was only £3. Cheers irish_angel. I did look through a few pages and a lot of people said they haven't got replies back, but maybe they didn't give her enough time to send anything back.
  25. Ekk I'm getting all excited for Sept again! I love them all Amy! Great job!
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