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Everything posted by -Laura-

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  3. Well did not see that coming Amber! Am totally shocked and horrified at Brett! Grrr! What a horrible man! Poor Martha! As if things werent bad enough, now she has to deal with the fact that her own father put her in the coma which left her with severe memory loss! Grrr! Hope this brings her and Jack closer together though! Update soon Amber, tis awesome stuff! lol
  4. Happy Birthday Sian and Happy St Davids day too! Hehe! Hope you have an awesome day! x x x

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  6. Awww that was such a good chapter Nicole! The dancing was pure cuteness! But why why why are Richard and Eamon (i blame Richard mainly) so mean to Martha all the time! If it wasnt for her then they wouldnt be able to have a relationship! Grrr to them! But im so concerned at Henrys closeness now! Please dont let him hurt Jack or Martha! Update when you have the time, hopefully soon! Hehe! Oh good on you for the detention too, my form tutor used to hate me, i was forever writing pages of lines in detention saying 'i must not talk in registration' what a loser! Where else are we meant to talk! Hehe!
  7. Awww that memory was cuteness, cuteness, cuteness! When it said the bit about her feeling the need to keep going although she didnt know where i just knew it was going to be the cliff and she was going to remember there first kiss and you didnt dissapoint! Hope she tells Jack and they start to change their relationship from friends to dating! He could recreate their first date because we all remember how that ended! Hehe! Please dont let evil Brett ruin everything, cant wait to find out what hes up to! Update soon Amber, this fic is so good!
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  9. Wow just looked through everything since i last came in here and its all so good! The cropping and colouring on everything is stunning! Awesome work Jen!
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  11. Oh my gosh that was the nicest surprise when i clicked on here and there was another update! Awesome stuff! lol Great chapter Amber! Lucas is so adorable! Bless him! But not so sure about Brett! Hmmm! Well hoping for another update soon because i feel its going to be a good one with more memories for Martha! Yay! lol Great writing Amber!
  12. Hahaha! Eamon and Richard are a magic act! I can see it now! I liked sians idea about Eamon accidently cutting Richard in half for real! That sounds like a great twist! Hehe! The jealousness between Martha and Jack is good, you can tell they both want each other so bad! lol And i really want them to get together, they would be so cute! lol A little concerned at the whereabouts of Henry because he must be close! Update soon Nicole, its so good, need to see what happens next!
  13. That was an awesome chapter Amber but how could you leave it there?! I really wanna know whos at the door?! Im thinking Brett or Jesse also because not sure who else it could be but i really dont know! Martha definitely wants Jack bad though and i think its about time she let him in on her memory! lol Great writing as usual and i cant wait for the start of your new fic looks really interesting but then it will mean the end of Cry to me which wont be good! lol Anyways update soon, cant wait to see what happens next!
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  15. Awww! Martha and Jack are so cute! Why cant they just tell each other everything, kiss and make up properly, get rid of Richard and Henry (Eamons not that bad!) and live happily ever after! I hate Richard with a passion! Grrr! Hes so annoying and mean to Martha! Great chapter Nicole! Cant wait for more!
  16. Awww that was a good chapter Nicole! Im so glad Jack finally let his feelings out to someone! Am a little concerned about Henrys whereabouts though and everyones safety because of that! Hope they finally catch him before he hurts anyone else and Jack and Martha can finally be happy! Great writing Nic! Update soon!
  17. Awww that was such a good chapter Amber! Im so glad Martha had a good memory! She definitely wants Jack bad now! Cant wait to see what happens next! Awesome writing! Update soon!
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  19. Well throughout most of the chapter you had me feeling abit annoyed by Jacks behaviour and i found him a bit arrogant even though i liked the interaction between him and Martha i just felt he was trying to push her too much and it was just going to make things worse and undo all the progress they have made! But, then when i read the end bit i nearly had tears in my eyes! I felt so sorry for Jack and just realised how much this is hurting him and eating him up inside which explains his behaviour! Glad Martha saw in a way because hopefully she will try and let him in more but also feel sorry for her because now she may feel pressured into feeling things she doesnt too soon which will just wreck things! Cant wait for the flashback to see what it is! Great writing Amber, i love this fic so much! Update when you can!
  20. Although its fantastic and i would love an update i think your Mocks do just edge slightly ahead! Only slightly mind! lol No seriously take your time and concentrate on your exams! We will be here waiting when you've got the time to update and Good Luck although im sure you'll be just fine!
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  22. Good chapter but Martha needs to think before she speaks sometimes, poor little Jack! She keeps hurting his feelings! Hope she starts to remember more soon, preferably good things bout her and Jack! Update soon!
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  24. Well firstly WOW! That chapter was absolutely awesomly written and well worth the wait! The depth you have brought to the character of Hayley is fantastic! I really felt for her at the end and the flashbacks of her as a child has brought a whole new dimension to her character and really made me see her in a different light! Really good writing and it in no way ruined it atall but made the story stronger! You are both fantastic writers and i can't wait to see where you go next with this! Sorry its not more detailed but it is quite late and i am suffering from a lack of sleep after a long weekend staying with friends at uni so i promise the next one will be better and more detailed because your writing definitely deserves it! Look forward to the next and have a nice week away!
  25. Grrr dont like Richard atall! Hes so sly! Or Eamon hes such a sheepish coward! Grrr! lol And poor Jack! Hope nothing too bad happens and Martha comes to his rescue and they get back together and this Henry guy gets what he deserves! Great writing Nicole!
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